1.- Review of requests #107 & #108: #107 (D. Given): Add RFLAG column to MagPrefPriority. ==> Caltech still needs that table and rflag column but not the value of "R" in that column. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==> Withdrawn. After all, Caltech doesn't need to the rflag field anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #108 (D. Given & A. Walter): Change constraint of all RFLAG columns. ==> Caltech has decided to withdraw this request. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==> Withdrawn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.- Discussion & possible resolution of "simple" requests: #87 (D. Neuhauser): Change datatype/precision of Waveform.samprate from Number(12,8) to Double Precision to match samprate attribute in other tables to avoid roundoff errors in low sample rate channels. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Change datatype/precision of Waveform.samprate from Number(12,8) to Double Precision to match samprate attribute in other tables (Channel _data, dm, station_datalogger_lchannel). The (12,8) limit produces unacceptable roundoff for low sample rate data (eg 60 second, 3600 second). perry> bc scale=8 (1/3600) .00027777 (1/.00027777)*24 86402.41926768 This produces a 2 second error over 24 hours. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==> Approved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #92 (E. Yu): Drop the significant_event table. ----------------------------------------------------------------- It seems unclear if we really have use for this table. (It is not populated here in SCEDC) is it at the NCEDC? I see no clear policy about how we would use this table and there seems to be no requests for its use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3.- Identify requests for future calls: Since we came to a resolution for all the "urgent" requests, I would like the group to take a look at the remaining requests and identify which ones should be discussed in future calls. I attached in this email a pdf file that contains the pending requests.