Instrument Responses Schema v 1.1. ---------------------------------- 1.- Station information : ------------------------- Station_Data (network, station, start_date) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters latitude float Latitude (degrees) longitude float Longitude (degrees) elevation float Elevation (m) site_name char(60) Site name net_id int Network identifier code word_32 int 32 bit word order word_16 int 16 bit word order start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date net_code char(2) Network code (V2.3) lddate date Load date Station_Comment (network, station, start_date, comment_id) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date comment_id int Comment code key comment_level int Comment level lddate date Load date 2.- Channel information : ------------------------- Channel_Data (network, station, channel, location, start_date) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters location char(2) Location channel char(3) Channel name channelsrc char(8) Domain of channel name seedchan char(3) SEED channel instrument_id int Instrument identifier comment char(30) Optional comment unit_signal int Units of signal responses unit_calib int Units of calibration input latitude float Latitude (degrees) longitude float Longitude (degrees) elevation float Elevation (m) local_depth float Local depth (m) azimuth float Azimuth (degrees) dip float Dip (degrees) format_id int Data format identifier code record_length int Data record length sample_rate float Sample rate (Hz) clock_drift float Max clock drift (seconds) flags char(27) Channel flags start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date datumhor char(8) Datum type for latitude & longitude datumver char(8) Datum type for vertical lddate date Load date Channel_Comment (network, station, channel, location, start_date, comment_id) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters location char(2) Location channel char(3) Channel name channelsrc char(8) Domain of channel name seedchan char(3) SEED channel start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date comment_id int Comment code key comment_level int Comment level lddate date Load date 3.- Response (Coefficients) information : ----------------------------------------- Coefficients (network, station, channel, location, start_date, stage_seq) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters location char(2) Location channel char(3) Channel name channelsrc char(8) Domain of channel name seedchan char(3) SEED channel start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date stage_seq int Stage sequence number dc_key int Response (Coefficients) key lddate date Load date DC (key) key int Response (Coefficients) key name char(80) Response (Coefficients) name unit_in int Signal input units unit_out int Signal output units r_type char(1) Response type symmetry char(1) Symmetry code storage char(1) Half stored or full stored lddate date Load date DC_Data (key, row_key) key int Response (Coefficients) key row_key int Row key type char(1) Numerator or denominator coefficient float Numerator/Denominator coefficient error float Numerator/Denominator error 4.- Decimation information : ---------------------------- Decimation (network, station, channel, location, start_date, stage_seq) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters location char(2) Location channel char(3) Channel name channelsrc char(8) Domain of channel name seedchan char(3) SEED channel start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date stage_seq int Stage sequence number dm_key int Decimation key lddate date Load date DM (key) key int Decimation key name char(80) Decimation name sample_rate float Input sample rate (Hz) factor int Decimation factor offset int Decimation offset delay float Estimated delay (seconds) correction float Correction applied (seconds) lddate date Load date 5.- Poles & Zeros information : ------------------------------- Poles_Zeros (network, station, channel, location, start_date, stage_seq) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters location char(2) Location channel char(3) Channel name channelsrc char(8) Domain of channel name seedchan char(3) SEED channel start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date stage_seq int Stage sequence number pz_key int Poles & Zeros key tf_type char(1) Transfer function type unit_in int Stage signal input units unit_out int Stage signal output units AO float AO normalization factor (1.0 if none) AF float Normalization frequency Fn (Hz) lddate date Load date PZ (key) key int Poles & Zeros key name char(80) Poles & Zeros name lddate date Load date PZ_Data (key, row_key) key int Poles & Zeros key row_key int Row key type char(1) Pole or zero r_value float Real zero/pole r_error float Real zero/pole error i_value float Imaginary zero/pole i_error float Imaginary zero/pole error 6.- Sensitivity information : ----------------------------- Sensitivity (network, station, channel, location, start_date, stage_seq) network char(2) Network code station char(5) Station call letters location char(2) Location channel char(3) Channel name channelsrc char(8) Domain of channel name seedchan char(3) SEED channel start_date date Start effective date end_date date End effective date stage_seq int Stage sequence number sensitivity float Sensitivity/gain (Sd) frequency float Frequency (Hz) (Fs) lddate date Load date 7.- Data dictionary : --------------------- Abbreviation (id) id int Abbreviation lookup code description char(50) Abbreviation description Unit (id) id int Unit lookup code name char(20) Unit name description char(51) Unit description Comment (id) id int Comment code key class char(1) Comment class code description char(70) Description of comment unit int Units of comment level Format (id) id int Data format identifier code name char(50) Short descriptive name family int Data family type Format_Data (id, row_id) id int Data format identifier code row_id int Row identifier key char(80) Decoder key