#!/bin/csh #gmtset MEASURE_UNIT inch PAPER_MEDIA letter+ set file=sfbayarea.ps set mapdata = /data/arsinoe/DATAmaps set pb=$mapdata/plateboundaries/usgs_plates.txt.gmtdat #Definition of the map # psbasemap will help you in defining the type of map you want: # -Jm is for a type of mercury projection and 1.1 it is the size # -Rlon_min/lon_max/lat_min/lat_max # -L is for the map scale # -Ba2f60mWS : for the frame: notation every 2 degrees and tick marcks every degree (60 min) # and WS means that the notations are on the left and bottom of the map # -X and -Y: position in the page # -P : Portrait orientation # -K : indicates that there is something after this command line psbasemap -V -Jm5 -R-123.5/-121./36.5./39. -Ba1f30mWSneg1 -X5c -Y5c -P -K >! $file # pscoast : draw the coast line # -G0/0/0 : -G is the command to put color (in RGB) # -W : draw the line (you can also have something like -W2/0/0/0) # -S0/0/0 : defines the color of the ocean (same as -G) # -O : means that you add that new feature to the map pscoast -V -Jm -R -Di -N2/1.tap -G201/176/083 -W1p,black -L-122./37.2/38./100. -S146/195/248 -Ba1f30mWSneg1 -O -K >> $file psxyz /usr/contrib/data/maps/bath.xyz -Jm -R -Ms -: -O -K >> $file psxy /usr/contrib/data/maps/cafaults.asc -Jm -R -W3/0/0/0 -Ms -: -O -K >> $file psxy /usr/contrib/data/maps/wus_nocal_fa.asc -Jm -R -W3/0/0/0 -Ms -: -O -K >> $file #psxy /usr/contrib/data/maps/new_plates -Jm -R -W3/0/0/0 -Ms -: -O -K >> $file psxy $pb -: -M -Jm -R -W5/0 -O -K >> $file #Station BDSN # tmp.bdsn has the locations of the seismic stations # tmp.bdsn.names has the names of the stations psxy tmp.bdsn -Jm -R -L -Ss0.20 -G0/0/0 -W -: -O -K >> $file pstext tmp.bdsn.names -Jm -G0/0/0 -R -O -K >> $file #Area that I considered for the M5 earthquake # This command plots a rectangle, the corners are defined by lon and lat psxy -Jm -R -W5/0/0/250 -O -K <> $file -123.0 40 -123.0 41.5 -126.0 41.5 -126.0 40 -123.0 40 box #Slow EQs # Plot earthquakes on the map; make use of awk awk '{if ($6<6.0) print $4, $3}' earthquake_mendocino.txt > temp psxy temp -Jm -R -Sc0.2 -G0/0/255 -O -K >> $file awk '{if ($6<7.0 && $6>=6.0) print $4, $3}' earthquake_mendocino.txt > temp psxy temp -Jm -R -Sc0.3 -G0/255/0 -O -K >> $file awk '{if ($6>7.0) print $4, $3}' earthquake_mendocino.txt > temp psxy temp -Jm -R -Sc0.4 -G255/0/0 -O >> $file # show the plot: gv $file