# Setup file for .cshrc - UCB Data Center # # To be invoked by: # source filename # from the /usr/local/bin/setup_env # or directly by the user's .cshrc file. # set SAMFSDIR = /opt/LSCsamfs set DCDIR = /usr/dc # # Definitions required for the Menlo CUSP utilities. # if ( ! $?CUSP_PATH ) setenv CUSP_PATH ${DCDIR} # pathname to cusp root directory if ( ! $?CUSP_INSTALL_BIN ) setenv CUSP_INSTALL_BIN $CUSP_PATH/bin # installation directory for executables if ( ! $?CUSP_INSTALL_BASE ) setenv CUSP_INSTALL_BASE $CUSP_PATH/bin # installation directory for ddl data files if ( ! $?CUSP_NETWORK ) setenv CUSP_NETWORK NCSN # name of data center SCSN or NCSN if ( ! $?CUSP_IN ) setenv CUSP_IN . # pathname of .mem input directory if ( ! $?CUSP_OUT ) setenv CUSP_OUT . # pathname of .mem output directory if ( ! $?GRAM_IN ) setenv GRAM_IN . # pathname of .grm input directory if ( ! $?GRAM_OUT ) setenv GRAM_OUT . # pathname of .grm output directory if ( ! $?MEM_SETUP ) setenv MEM_SETUP ${CUSP_PATH}/bin/setup.mem # station data file if ( ! $?DDL_SETUP ) setenv DDL_SETUP ${CUSP_PATH}/bin/setup.ddl # station definition language if ( ! $?DDL_EVENT ) setenv DDL_EVENT ${CUSP_PATH}/bin/event.ddl # mem data definition language if ( ! $?SEQ_EVENT ) setenv SEQ_EVENT ${CUSP_PATH}/bin/event.seq # next mem id (not used) # # Definitions for local NCSN/CUSP utilities. # if ( ! $?CUSPDIR) setenv CUSPDIR /data/dc1/ncsn # pathname of primary CUSP directory. if ( ! $?CUSPDATADIR) setenv CUSPDATADIR /data/dc1/ncsn/grm # pathname of waveform directory if ( ! $?CUSPDATADIR2) setenv CUSPDATADIR2 /data/sam/ncsn/grm # pathname of waveform directory if ( ! $?CUSPMEMDIR) setenv CUSPMEMDIR /data/dc11/ncsn/mem # pathname of mem directory if ( ! $?CUSPIDMAP) setenv CUSPIDMAP /data/dc11/ncsn/cuspidmap # pathname of cuspidmap if ( ! $?CUSPASCIIMEMDIR) setenv CUSPASCIIMEMDIR /data/dc11/ncsn/ascii_mem # pathname for directory if ( ! $?CUSPCATDIR) setenv CUSPCATDIR /data/dc1/ncsn/catalog # pathname for ncsn catalog directory if ( ! $?CUSPPHASEDIR) setenv CUSPPHASEDIR /data/dc1/ncsn/phase # pathname for ncsn phase directory if ( ! $?CUSPMECHDIR) setenv CUSPMECHDIR /data/dc1/ncsn/mechanism # pathname for ncsn mechanism directory if ( ! $?CUSPTELESEISMS) setenv CUSPTELESEISMS /data/dc1/ncsn/teleseisms # pathname for ncsn teleseisms file if ( ! $?UCBCATDIR) setenv UCBCATDIR /data/dc1/ucb/catalog # pathname for ucb catalog directory if ( ! $?UCBPHASEDIR) setenv UCBPHASEDIR /data/dc1/ucb/phase # pathname for ucb phase directory if ( ! $?CNSSDIR) setenv CNSSDIR /data/dc3/cnss # pathname of primary CNSS directory. if ( ! $?CNSSCATDIR) setenv CNSSCATDIR /data/dc3/cnss/catalog # pathname for cnss catalog directory if ( ! $?CNSSPHASEDIR) setenv CNSSPHASEDIR /data/dc3/cnss/phase # pathname for cnss phase directory if ( ! $?CNSSWORKDIR) setenv CNSSWORKDIR /data/dc3/cnss/work # pathname for cnss work directory # if ( ! $?DBLOCAL ) setenv DBLOCAL /home/dc1/db/home/db_local # pathname for setup file for IRIS database set upath = ( $upath ${DCDIR}/bin ${SAMFSDIR}/bin ) set spath = ( $spath ${SAMFSDIR}/sbin ) setenv MANPATH ${DCDIR}/man:$MANPATH\:$SAMFSDIR/man unset SAMFSDIR