List of PFW updates files 00index.txt Description text (this file) probewin.exe Probe for Window main application standard.exe Standard database application startwin.exe Start for Window application joywin.exe Joystick for Windows application userwin.exe User for Windows application stage.exe Stage for Windows application calczaf.exe CalcZAF for Windows application (standalone ZAF) faraday.exe Faraday for Windows application evaluate.exe Evaluate for Windows application probewin.hlp Probe for Window Help file test3d.dat Updated polygon test data (demo mode only) version.txt Version changes probehlp.ini Updated context sensitive help index gridbb.bas Updated Surfer OLE script file (Surfer 6.0) emppha.dat Default empirical PHA file (do not extract if you modified the original) empfac.dat Default empirical alpha-factor file (do not extract if you modified the original) calczaf.dat Updated default CalZAF data file dhz.dat Sample DHZ mineral data (import using Standard.exe) ore.dat Sample Dana ore mineral data (import using Standard.exe) srm.dat Sample NIST SRM data (import using Standard.exe) lines.dat Default x-ray line data for CalcZAF.exe modal.dat Default modal analysis test data (use with Modal dialog in Standard.exe) drift.exe Drift application (tabulates standard intensity data from multiple data files calmac.exe CalMAC application (calculates MACs) lines2.dat Additional x-ray line data for CalcZAF.exe demo1.bmp test i,age for Digitize image feature (demo mode only) mq.exe MQ application (monte-carlo) FORTRAN console application edges.tsr X-ray edge data for Mq.exe mcarlo.bat Batch file to run Mq in batch mode cdonly.dat Data file for Mcarlo.bat file mq.for MQ application source (NIST) nistbina20.dat Binary test data from Nistbin.dat using CalcZAF.exe (absorption > 20%) nistbinz10.dat Binary test data from Nistbin.dat using CalcZAF.exe (atomic # corr > 20%) jeolox.mdb Sample oxide run (demo mode only) jeolel.mdb Sample elemental run (demo mode only) pouchoua20.dat Binary test data from Pouchou.dat using CalcZAF.exe (absorption > 20%) pouchouz10.dat Binary test data from Pouchou.dat using CalcZAF.exe (atimic # corr > 20%) gridcc.bas Updated Surfer OLE script file (Surfer 7.0 and greater) xyscan2.bas Sample OLE script for Surfer (7.0 and greater) xyscan2.dat Sample OLE script data for Surfer (7.0 and greater) xyscan2.bln Sample OLE script boundary data for Surfer (7.0 and greater)