#!/bin/csh # cut and plot the model # set par = $1 ## Parameter to be plotted (S/X) set nmodel = $2 ## Model name set A2index = $3 ## Level set ifrmean = 1 ## 1/0 Do/don't remove mean value set step = 2.5 ## Grid size in degree for extracting and plotting set basef = grid.$A2index ############################################## PLOT: set psfile = $nmodel\_$par\_doe.ps \rm lu_* if ( ! ( -f $nmodel ) ) then ll $nmodel exit endif awk '{if(NR!=1)print$0}' $basef > tmp.grid ln -s $basef lu_hknots ln -s $nmodel lu_coef if ( $par != 'M') then ## change depth HERE ./src/grid_mA3d_anis_doe.xx $step <> tmp.$$ end set deps = `cat tmp.$$ ` \rm -rf tmp.$$ echo DEPTH = $deps set i = 0 foreach dep ( $deps ) @ i ++ @ nr = 2 + $i awk '{if(NR>1) print $1,$2,$ND}' ND=$nr $xyzout > A3.$dep.xyz echo A3.$dep.xyz ready end if ( $ifrmean ) then foreach dep ( $deps ) ./src/rmean.exe < $cptf #set cptf = /data/08/federica/INPUT/COLOR_SCALE/color.craton @ i = 0 foreach dep ( $deps ) @ i ++ set f = A3.$dep.xyz if ( $ifrmean ) then set f = A3.$dep.rmean.xyz endif set info = `minmax -C $f | awk '{printf("%.2f %.2f %.2f\n", (-$5+$6)/2.*0.8, $5,$6)}'` set step1 = 1.0 #if ( $dep == 150 && $par == 'X' ) then #awk '{if ($1>180) $1=$1-360; print $1,$2,(1.0337*(1+($3/100.))-1)*100.}' $f > temp.dat #else if ( $dep == 100 && $par == 'X' ) then #awk '{if ($1>180) $1=$1-360; print $1,$2,(1.06*(1+($3/100.))-1)*100.}' $f > temp.dat #else if ( $dep == 75 && $par == 'X' ) then #awk '{if ($1>180) $1=$1-360; print $1,$2,(1.0733*(1+($3/100.))-1)*100.}' $f > temp.dat #else if ( $dep == 200 && $par == 'X' ) then #awk '{if ($1>180) $1=$1-360; print $1,$2,(1.008*(1+($3/100.))-1)*100.}' $f > temp.dat #else awk '{if ($1>180) $1=$1-360; print $0}' $f > temp.dat #endif mv temp.dat $f surface $f -Gtmp.grd -I$step1/$step1 -T0.3 $r #xyz2grd $f -Gtmp.grd -I$step1/$step1 -R-180/0/10/90 -V if ( $i == 1 ) then grdimage tmp.grd $proj $r -X$xo -Y$yo -C$cptf -K -P >! $psfile #psxy -: $geology -R -JS -W7 -M -K -O -V >> $psfile psxy tmp.grid -R -JL -Sc0.1 -G0/0/0 -K -O -V >> $psfile pstext <>$psfile 0 110 10 0 0 1 $nmodel END else if ( $i == 5 ) then grdimage tmp.grd $proj $r -Y16.2 -X10.0 -C$cptf -K -O -P >> $psfile #psxy tmp.grid -R -JL -Sc0.1 -G0/0/0 -K -O -V >> $psfile else grdimage tmp.grd $proj $r -Y-5.4 -C$cptf -K -O -P >> $psfile #psxy tmp.grid -R -JL -Sc0.1 -G0/0/0 -K -O -V >> $psfile endif pstext $projq $rx -K -N -O <> $psfile 170 75 10 0 0 2 $dep km ( $info[2]/$info[3] ) END pscoast -B$grid $r $proj -Dc -A$area -Na -W3/0 -O -K >> $psfile psxy -: $plate $r $proj -M -W2t10:10 -O -K >> $psfile end if ( $par == 'S') then psscale -C$cptf -D$lsca -Ba2:"dlnV(%)": -O -L >> $psfile else psscale -C$cptf -D$lsca -Ba2:"dln@~x@~(%)": -O -L >> $psfile endif \rm A3.*.xyz temp tmp.grd tmp.grid lu* bu* green4.cpt grid_A3d_anis.out #\rm temp tmp.grd tmp.grid lu* bu* grid_A3d_anis.out endif if ( $par == 'M') then set solution = grid_A3d_anis.out awk '{if ($1>180) $1=$1-360; print $0}' $solution > temp.dat mv temp.dat $solution gmtset COLOR_NAN 190/190/190 gmtset FRAME_PEN 1.25 gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 13p gmtset LABEL_FONT_SIZE 13p gmtset BASEMAP_TYPE PLAIN gmtset MEASURE_UNIT cm gmtset PAPER_MEDIA Letter set xl = 9.5 set yl = 4.5 set xo = 2. set yo = 7.5 set mid = 180 set r = -R-45/85/15/60 set projq = -JQ$mid/$xl set proj = -JL20/32.5/25/50/18 set projx = -JX$xl/$yl set rx = -R0/360/-90/90 set lsca = 9/-1/6/0.4h set grid = swne set area = 6000/1 set cptf = /data/08/federica/INPUT/COLOR_SCALE/color.na set plate = /data/07/gung/,MODELS/plate.pacific.asc set step1 = 1.0 set info = `minmax -C $solution | awk '{printf("%.2f %.2f %.2f\n", (-$5+$6)/2.*0.8, $5,$6)}'` surface $solution -Gtmp.grd -I$step1/$step1 -T0.3 $r -V grdimage tmp.grd $proj $r -X$xo -Y$yo -C$cptf -K -P -V >! $psfile pscoast -B:."$info[2] / $info[3]":$grid $r $proj -Dc -A$area -W3/0 -O -K -V >> $psfile psxy -: $plate $r $proj -M -W2t10:10 -O -K -V >> $psfile #pstext $projq $rx -K -N -O -V <> $psfile #115 120 12 0 0 2 ( $info[2] / $info[3] ) #END psscale -C$cptf -D$lsca -Ba5:"Moho depth (km)": -O -L -V >> $psfile \rm tmp.grd tmp.grid lu* bu* grid_A3d_anis.out endif echo $psfile ghostview $psfile &