# -*- Python -*- # The settings in this file (pylithapp.cfg) will be read automatically # by pylith, as long as the file is placed in the run directory. # The settings in this file will override any settings in: # PREFIX/etc/pylithapp.cfg # $HOME/.pyre/pylithapp/pylithapp.cfg # The settings in this file will be overridden by any .cfg file given # on the command line or by any command line settings. [pylithapp] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # journal # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The settings below turn on journal info for the specified components. # If you want less output to stdout, you can turn these off. [pylithapp.journal.info] timedependent = 1 explicit = 1 implicit = 1 petsc = 1 solverlinear = 1 meshioascii = 1 homogeneous = 1 implicitelasticity = 1 quadrature2d = 1 fiatsimplex = 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mesh_generator # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The settings below control the mesh generation (importing mesh info). # Turn on debugging output for mesh generation. [pylithapp.mesh_generator] debug = 1 # This component specification means we are using PyLith ASCII format, # and we then specify the filename and number of space dimensions for # the mesh. [pylithapp.mesh_generator.importer] filename = twoquad4.mesh coordsys.space_dim = 2 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # problem # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the problem settings. # This is a time-dependent problem, so we select this as our problem type. # We select a total time of 1 sec, and a time step size of 1 sec, so we # are performing a single time step. # The spatial dimension for this problem is 2. # For an implicit formulation (using implicit.cfg), we will perform 1 # implicit time step from t = -1.0 to t = 0.0 (elastic solution step). [pylithapp.timedependent] total_time = 0.0*s default_dt = 1.0*s dimension = 2 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # materials # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the material information for the problem. # The material type is isotropic elastic formulated for plane strain. [pylithapp.timedependent.materials] material = pylith.materials.ElasticPlaneStrain [pylithapp.timedependent.materials.material] # We give a label of 'elastic material' to this material. label = elastic material # The cells associated with this material are given a material ID of 1 # in the mesh file. id = 1 # The properties for this material are given in the spatial database file # 'matprops.spatialdb'. db.iohandler.filename = matprops.spatialdb # We are doing 2D quadrature for a quad. quadrature = pylith.feassemble.quadrature.Quadrature2D quadrature.cell = pylith.feassemble.FIATLagrange quadrature.cell.dimension = 2 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PETSc # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # We are using all of the default settings for PETSc except for specifying # the block Jacobi preconditioner. # Additional PETSc command-line arguments may be found in the PETSc # documentation. [pylithapp.petsc] pc_type = jacobi # start_in_debugger = true # debugger_timeout = 100