#SPATIAL.ascii 1 // This database is used to specify the boundary conditions for the // dislocation (kinematic fault) example. // This follows the format for a Simple DB (the only type presently available). SimpleDB { // There are 3 values specified in the database, corresponding to the // constraint values for the x (dof-0), y (dof-1), and z (dof-2) degrees of // freedom. num-values = 3 value-names = dof-0 dof-1 dof-2 // The constraint values (displacements) have units of meters. value-units = m m m // The values are specified at one spatial location. num-locs = 1 // The dimension of the spatial distribution is 0, since the data // is uniform over the mesh. data-dim = 0 // The spatial dimension of the database is 3. space-dim = 3 // We are specifying the data in a Cartesian coordinate system. cs-data = cartesian { // Our units are already in meters, so we can just multiply by one. to-meters = 1.0 // We are using a 3D Cartesian coordinate system. space-dim = 3 } } // This is where the data is specified. // As described in dislocation.cfg, this database will be used to specify // data along an edge (pylith.bc.BCFourSides). // The entries are: // X-coord, Y-coord, Z-coord, dof-0, dof-1, dof-2. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0