#SPATIAL.ascii 1

// This database is used to specify the fault slip rate for the
// dislocation (kinematic fault) example.
SimpleDB {

  // There is one value specified in the database, corresponding to the
  // slip rate.
  num-values = 1
  value-names =  slip-rate

  // The fault slip rate has units of meters/second.
  value-units =  m/s

  // The value is specified at one spatial location.
  num-locs = 1

  // The dimension of the spatial distribution is 0, since the same data
  // is specified for all points in the set.
  data-dim = 0

  // The spatial dimension of the database is 2.
  space-dim = 2

  // We are specifying the data in a Cartesian coordinate system.
  cs-data = cartesian {

    // Our units are already in meters, so we can just multiply by one.
    to-meters = 1.0

    // We are using a 2D Cartesian coordinate system.
    space-dim = 2

// This is where the data is specified.
// As described in dislocation.cfg, this database will be used to specify
// uniform data for a fault (pylith.faults.SingleFault).
// The entries are:
// X-Coord, Y-Coord, slip rate
0.0  0.0  1.0e+6