// -*- C++ -*- // // ====================================================================== // // Brad T. Aagaard // U.S. Geological Survey // // {LicenseText} // // ====================================================================== // #if !defined(pylith_meshio_gmvfile_hh) #define pylith_meshio_gmvfile_hh #include // HASA std::string namespace pylith { namespace meshio { class GMVFile; } // meshio } // pylith class pylith::meshio::GMVFile { // GMVFile // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public : /** Constructor with name of GMV file. * * @param filename Name of GMV file */ GMVFile(const char* name); /// Default destructor. ~GMVFile(void); /** Is GMV file ascii? * * @param filename Name of GMV file. * * @returns True if GMV file is ascii, false otherwise */ static bool isAscii(const char* filename); // PROTECTED MEMBERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected : std::string _filename; ///< Name of GMV file }; // GMVFile #endif // pylith_meshio_gmvfile_hh // End of file