// -*- C++ -*- // // ====================================================================== // // Brad T. Aagaard // U.S. Geological Survey // // {LicenseText} // // ====================================================================== // #if !defined(pylith_solutionio_solutioniovtk_hh) #define pylith_solutionio_solutioniovtk_hh #include "SolutionIO.hh" // ISA SolutionIO #include // HOLDSA std::ofstream namespace pylith { namespace meshio { class SolutionIOVTK; } // meshio } // pylith class pylith::meshio::SolutionIOVTK : public SolutionIO { // SolutionIOVTK // PUBLIC METHODS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public : /// Constructor SolutionIOVTK(void); /// Destructor ~SolutionIOVTK(void); /** Set filename for VTK file. * * @param filename Name of VTK file. */ void filename(const char* filename); /** Get filename of VTK file. * * @returns filename Name of VTK file. */ const char* filename(void) const; /** Open output files. * * @param mesh PETSc mesh object */ void open(const ALE::Obj& mesh); /// Close output files. void close(void); /** Write solution topology to file. * * @param mesh PETSc mesh object. * @param */ void writeTopology(const ALE::Obj& mesh, const spatialdata::geocoords::CoordSys* csMesh); /** Write solution field to file. * * @param t Time associated with field. * @param field PETSc field. * @param name Name of field. * @param mesh PETSc mesh object. */ void writeField(const double t, const ALE::Obj& field, const char* name, const ALE::Obj& mesh); // PRIVATE MEMBERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public : std::string _filename; ///< Name of VTK file. PetscViewer _viewer; ///< Output file }; // SolutionIOVTK #include "SolutionIOVTK.icc" // inline methods #endif // pylith_solutionio_solutioniovtk_hh // End of file