echo on * * Remove old versions of files that will be re-created later... * sc rm tmp_* *_tmp.? * * Remove the previous P- and S-wave markers and substitute it with a theoretical one... Then write out a new file * * At the same time, check the local magnitude given by FVGSN and hipass filter waveforms accordingly... * do file wild *.HHZ message 'file: $file ' setbb statname (BEFORE ".HHZ" $file ) r %statname%.HHN ch cmpinc 90 ; ch cmpaz 0 wh over r %statname%.HHE ch cmpinc 90 ; ch cmpaz 90 wh over r %statname%.HHN %statname%.HHE %statname%.HHZ rtr rmean ch lcalda true ch lovrok true sc rm ttimes.out gcarc.out depth.out stimes.out stime.out TRANSCRIPT CREATE FILE gcarc.out CONTENTS OUTPUT message " &1,gcarc " TRANSCRIPT CLOSE TRANSCRIPT CREATE FILE depth.out CONTENTS OUTPUT message " &1,evdp " TRANSCRIPT CLOSE TRANSCRIPT CREATE FILE statname.out CONTENTS OUTPUT message " %statname% " TRANSCRIPT CLOSE w %statname%_tmp.r %statname%_tmp.t %statname%_tmp.z sc sh /data/27/luca/Ground_Motion_Bay_Area/Data/ %statname%_tmp * * Now make sure that the h-comp. have the same number of points... * r %statname%_tmp.r %statname%_tmp.t ch lcalda true ch lovrok true synch wh over * setbb c0 &1,b * if &2,b gt %c0 then setbb c0 &2,b endif * setbb c1 &1,e * if &2,e lt %c1 then setbb c1 &2,e endif * cut %c0 %c1 r %statname%_tmp.r %statname%_tmp.t cut off synch * * Now rotate h-comps.... * rotate to gcp w over enddo