Ground Motion Prediction

Import pygmm module

In [1]:
import pygmm
In [2]:
from obspy import read
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy.geodetics.base import gps2dist_azimuth

import obspy as ob
print("# obspy version = ",ob.__version__)
# obspy version =  1.2.2

Import libcomcat module

In [3]:
# Local imports
from libcomcat.dataframes import get_phase_dataframe, get_magnitude_data_frame
from import get_event_by_id
from libcomcat.dataframes import (get_detail_data_frame, get_dyfi_data_frame,
                                  get_history_data_frame, get_magnitude_data_frame,
                                  get_pager_data_frame, get_phase_dataframe,

Import SciPy, NumPy, matplotlib module

In [4]:
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib as mpl
import pandas as pd

print("# numpy version = ",np.__version__)
print("# scipy version = ",sp.__version__)
print("# matplotlib version = ",mpl.__version__)
print("# pandas version = ",pd.__version__)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.dates as mdates 

from scipy import signal
from scipy import ndimage

from scipy.fftpack import fft, ifft
from scipy.linalg import norm

from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
from scipy.stats import kendalltau

import sys
import os
# numpy version =  1.19.1
# scipy version =  1.5.2
# matplotlib version =  3.3.1
# pandas version =  1.0.4

Font size for plotting

In [5]:
# font size


plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE)          # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE)     # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE)    # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE)    # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE)    # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE)    # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE)  # fontsize of the figure title

Input parameters

In [6]:
# event id
eventid = "nc72948801" # event_id can be obtained from the spreadsheet

# target location
stla = 37.87352 # latitude of the target area # this example use BK.BRK station
stlo = -122.26099 # longitude of the target area # this example use BK.BRK station

# vs30
v_s30 = 500 # m/s find this vs30 from grd file 

# region. 
region = "california" # need for BSSA14

#mechanism="U" # this part need to be updated

Search for earthquake

This example use USGS event catalog with eventid

In [7]:
clientEQ = Client("USGS")
catalog = clientEQ.get_events(eventid=eventid)
_plot = catalog.plot()
1 Event(s) in Catalog:
2018-01-04T10:39:37.730000Z | +37.855, -122.257 | 4.38 Mw | manual

Extract event information

In [8]:
# event info. origin time, location, magnitude
event = catalog[0]
origin =[0]
#origin_time = origin.time
evla = origin.latitude
evlo = origin.longitude
evdp_km = origin.depth / 1000
evmag = event.magnitudes[0].mag

#evyearOUT = origin_time.year
#evjdayOUT = origin_time.julday
#evhourOUT = origin_time.hour
#evminOUT = origin_time.minute
#evsecOUT = origin_time.second

#evid =[0]['extra']['dataid']['value']
#event_region = event.event_descriptions[0]['text']
#print("# evid = ", evid)

Extract focal mechanism information

In [9]:
eq_detail = get_event_by_id(eventid, includesuperseded=True)
In [10]:
print("Included products: %s " % eq_detail.products)
product = eq_detail.getProducts('focal-mechanism')[0]
dip = product['nodal-plane-1-dip']
rake = product['nodal-plane-1-rake']
strike = product['nodal-plane-1-strike']
print("# strike = ", strike)
print("# dip = ", dip)
print("# rake = ", rake)
Included products: ['dyfi', 'focal-mechanism', 'general-link', 'general-text', 'geoserve', 'impact-link', 'losspager', 'moment-tensor', 'nearby-cities', 'origin', 'phase-data', 'scitech-link', 'shakemap'] 
# strike =  60.0
# dip =  90.0
# rake =  -40.0

Create CSV file for "mechanism" estimate

output file is focal.csv

In [11]:
### use to get fault-type
#AR Focal mechanism one plane (psmeca compatible):[longitude, latitude, depth, strike, dip, rake, magnitude (Mw),X plot, Y plot (for GMT), ID, TYPE]
focal_csv = "focal.csv"
#focal_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'lon' : evlo})

focal_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'lon' : evlo,
                        'lat' : evla,
                        'dep' : evdp_km,
                        'strike' : strike,
                        'dip' : dip,
                        'rake' : rake,
                        'mag' : evmag,
                        'evid' : eventid }, index=[0])
#focal_data = pd.read_csv(hash_catalog_hypoDD_fi ,   
#                       sep=" ",names=["evid", "evyear", "evmonth", "evday", "evhour", "evmin", "evsec", "evtype", "mag", "magtype", 
#                                      "lat", "lon", "dep", "loc_quality", "RMS", "err_h", "err_d", "err_t", "num_pick_loc", "num_Ppick", "num_Spick", 
#                                      "strike", "dip", "rake", "fault_plane_uncert", "aux_plane_uncert", "num_p_pola", "wei_per_misfit_firstM", "focal_mech_qual", "prob_mech_sol", "sta_dist_ratio"], header=None)

focal_df.to_csv(focal_csv, columns=['lon','lat','dep','strike','dip','rake','mag','lon','lat','evid'], header=False, index=False, sep=' ')

Compute "Rupture_type" with

output are focal.csv.png and focal.csv_fault_type.out

In [12]:
%%script tcsh
./SOFTX_2018_227-master/  < ./focal.csv -i AR -o ALL -p focal.csv.png >! focal.csv_fault_type.out

Read focal.csv_fault_type.out to get "Rupture_type" and convet it to "mechanism" ¶

In [13]:
#20920 N
#14252 N-SS
#13577 R
#12723 R-SS
#39297 SS
#30421 SS-N
#27145 SS-R

fault_type_fi = "focal.csv_fault_type.out"
fault_type_df = pd.read_csv(fault_type_fi,   
                       sep=" ")
#print(fpfit_catalog_hypoDD_fault_type )

#Abbreviation	Name
#u	Unspecified
#ss	Strike-slip
#ns	Normal slip
#rs	Reverse slip

fault_type_df ['fault_type']  = -9
fault_type_df ['mechanism'] = "U"

fault_type_df.loc[   (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "N")  |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "N-SS")  , 'fault_type'] = 0
fault_type_df.loc[   (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "N")  |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "N-SS")  , 'mechanism'] = "NS"

fault_type_df.loc[   (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "R")  |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "R-SS")  , 'fault_type'] = 1
fault_type_df.loc[   (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "R")  |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "R-SS")  , 'mechanism'] = "RS"

fault_type_df.loc[   (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "SS")  |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "SS-N")   |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "SS-R")  , 'fault_type'] = 2
fault_type_df.loc[   (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "SS")  |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "SS-N")   |  (fault_type_df['Rupture_type'] == "SS-R")  , 'mechanism'] = "SS"

# to see if we have -9; if so, this would be a problem
#fault_type_df[fault_type_df['fault_type']  ==  -9]

Check Rupture_type and mechanism

In [14]:
print("# Rupture_type = ", fault_type_df['Rupture_type'])
# Rupture_type =  0    SS-N
Name: Rupture_type, dtype: object
In [15]:
mechanism = fault_type_df['mechanism'][0]
print("# mechanism = ", mechanism)
# mechanism =  SS

Computer JB distance

This example uses hypocenteral distance between the epicenter and terget area

In [16]:
#baz = gps2dist_azimuth(source_latitude, source_longitude, station_latitude, station_longitude)
baz = gps2dist_azimuth(evla, evlo, stla, stlo)

#print('Epicentral distance [m]: ', baz[0])
#print('Theoretical azimuth [deg]: ', baz[1])
#print('Theoretical backazimuth [deg]: ', baz[2])

dist_jb = baz[0]/1000 # convert to m -> km
print("# dist_jb = ", dist_jb)
# dist_jb =  2.0696808354834664

Check input parameter for ground motion prediction

In [17]:
print("# evmag = ", evmag)
print("# dist_jb = ", dist_jb)
print("# v_s30 = ", v_s30)
print("# region = ", region)
print("# mechanism = ", mechanism) 
# evmag =  4.38
# dist_jb =  2.0696808354834664
# v_s30 =  500
# region =  california
# mechanism =  SS

Compute ground motion with BSSA14 model

In [18]:
scenario = pygmm.Scenario(mag=evmag, dist_jb=dist_jb, v_s30=v_s30, region=region, mechanism=mechanism)
m = pygmm.BooreStewartSeyhanAtkinson2014(scenario)
print("# PGA (g) = ", m.pga)
print("# PGV (cm/s) = ", m.pgv)
# PGA (g) =  0.0668191410975
# PGV (cm/s) =  2.11299481793
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