matplotlib inline
from __future__ import print_function
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 11, 6
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
import numpy as np
import obspy as op
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime, read, Stream
import os
from import SACTrace
print("# np_version = ",np.__version__)
print("# op version = ",op.__version__)
# specify the event id
#eventid_ncedc = EVENTID
#eventid_ncedc = 73160480 # example is M2.5 event
#eventid_ncedc = 71093184
#eventid_ncedc = 21377014
#M 4.5 - 1km SSE of Pleasant Hill, CA
#2019-10-15 05:33:42 (UTC)37.938°N 122.057°W14.0 km depth
eventid_ncedc = 73291880 #
# select request_server
#request_server = REQUEST_SERVER # 1 is ncedc 2 is iris 3 is scedc
request_server = 1 # Hayward fault project -> 1
if request_server == 1:
#net_listOUT = "BK,NC,PB"
#com_listOUT = "HHZ,HHZ,DP1,EP1"
net_listOUT = "BK"
server_nameOUT = "ncedc"
clientOUT = Client("NCEDC")
#distdeg_from_eq = 0.4
#distdeg_from_eq = 0.2
# search distance from event in degrees
distdeg_from_eq = 0.35
distdeg_from_eq = 0.85
# need for catalog
#client_scedc = Client("SCEDC")
# extracting event info. from datacenter catalog
client_ncedc = Client("NCEDC",timeout=600)
# band pass when we remove instrument response
# f1<f2<f3<f4. effective band is between f2 and f3
f1 = 0.1 # 0.1 Hz
f2 = 0.5 # 0.5 Hz
f3 = 40 # 50 Hz
f4 = 50 # 100 Hz
# band pass when we remove instrument response
# f1<f2<f3<f4. effective band is between f2 and f3
f1 = 0.1 # 0.1 Hz
f2 = 0.5 # 0.5 Hz
f3 = 10 # 50 Hz
f4 = 15 # 100 Hz
# time window from origin time to extract waveform
pre_tw_sec = 90 # 90 seconds before the origin time
tw_sec = 5*60 # 5 min after the origin time
catalog_ncedc = client_ncedc.get_events(eventid=eventid_ncedc)
print("# catalog_ncedc = ",catalog_ncedc)
# event info. origin time, location, magnitude
event = catalog_ncedc[0]
origin =[0]
origin_time = origin.time
evlat = origin.latitude
evlon = origin.longitude
evdp_km = origin.depth / 1000
evmag = event.magnitudes[0].mag
evyearOUT = origin_time.year
evjdayOUT = origin_time.julday
evhourOUT = origin_time.hour
evminOUT = origin_time.minute
evsecOUT = origin_time.second
# need for file name
evyearOUT2 = (str)(evyearOUT)
evjdayOUT2 = (str)(evjdayOUT)
if evjdayOUT < 100:
evjdayOUT2 = "0"+(str)(evjdayOUT)
if evjdayOUT < 10:
evjdayOUT2 = "00"+(str)(evjdayOUT)
evhourOUT2 = (str)(evhourOUT)
if evhourOUT < 10:
evhourOUT2 = "0"+(str)(evhourOUT)
evminOUT2 = (str)(evminOUT)
if evminOUT < 10:
evminOUT2 = "0"+(str)(evminOUT)
evsecOUT2 = (str)(evsecOUT)
if evsecOUT < 10:
evsecOUT2 = "0"+(str)(evsecOUT)
print("# evyearOUT2 = ",evyearOUT2," evjdayOUT2 = ",evjdayOUT2," evhourOUT2 = ",evhourOUT2," evminOUT2 = ",evminOUT2," evsecOUT2 = ",evsecOUT2)
evmseedid = evyearOUT2+"."+evjdayOUT2+"."+evhourOUT2+""+evminOUT2+""+evsecOUT2
print("# evmseedid = "+evmseedid)
# name for output directory
pwd_dir = os.getcwd()
#sacdir= pwd_dir +"/"+ evmseedid +"_M"+(str)(evmag)+"_"+(str)(eventid_ncedc)+"_fl"+(str)(f2)+"_fh"+str(f3)+"_dist"+(str)(distkm_from_eq)+"km"
sacdir= pwd_dir +"/"+ evmseedid +"_M"+(str)(evmag)+"_"+(str)(eventid_ncedc)+"_fl"+(str)(f2)+"_fh"+str(f3)+"_dist"+(str)(distdeg_from_eq)+"deg"
print("# sacdir = ",sacdir)
# create output directory
if not os.path.exists(sacdir):
latitude = evlat
longitude = evlon
minradius = 0
maxradius = distdeg_from_eq
starttime = UTCDateTime(origin_time-pre_tw_sec)
endtime = UTCDateTime(origin_time+tw_sec)
#starttime2 = UTCDateTime(origin_time-86400)
#endtime2 = UTCDateTime(origin_time+86400)
starttime2 = UTCDateTime(origin_time-pre_tw_sec)
endtime2 = UTCDateTime(origin_time+tw_sec)
print("# starttime = ",starttime," endtime = ",endtime)
print("# starttime2 = ",starttime2," endtime2 = ",endtime2)
yearOUT = starttime.year
jdayOUT = starttime.julday
hourOUT = starttime.hour
minOUT = starttime.minute
secOUT = starttime.second
yearOUT2 = (str)(yearOUT)
jdayOUT2 = (str)(jdayOUT)
if jdayOUT < 100:
jdayOUT2 = "0"+(str)(jdayOUT)
if jdayOUT < 10:
jdayOUT2 = "00"+(str)(jdayOUT)
hourOUT2 = (str)(hourOUT)
if hourOUT < 10:
hourOUT2 = "0"+(str)(hourOUT)
minOUT2 = (str)(minOUT)
if minOUT < 10:
minOUT2 = "0"+(str)(minOUT)
secOUT2 = (str)(secOUT)
if secOUT < 10:
secOUT2 = "0"+(str)(secOUT)
print("# yearOUT2 = ",yearOUT2," jdayOUT2 = ",jdayOUT2," hourOUT2 = ",hourOUT2," minOUT2 = ",minOUT2," secOUT2 = ",secOUT2)
mseedid = yearOUT2+"."+jdayOUT2+"."+hourOUT2+""+minOUT2+""+secOUT2
print("# mseedid = "+mseedid)
# this would be only need for SCEDC. SSAF project
# change all m type to this. we have error "SoCal ML"
#catalog_scedc[0].magnitudes[0].method_id = ""
# write event information in QUAKEML format
cat_fi = sacdir + "/" + (str)(eventid_ncedc)+".eq.xml"
print("# cat_fi = "+cat_fi)
catalog_ncedc.write(cat_fi, format="QUAKEML")
print("# invOUT server_nameOUT = ",server_nameOUT)
print("# net_listOUT = ",net_listOUT," com_listOUT = ",com_listOUT)
# extracting stations within min and max radius, also get instrument response
#invOUT = clientOUT.get_stations(network=net_listOUT, station="*", channel=com_listOUT,
# starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime,
# latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
# minradius=minradius, maxradius=maxradius,
# level="response")
# use time2 +/- 1 days to fetch multiple time epochs if we have. there is a bug for FDSN code cannot handle the epoch change 05.07.19
invOUT = clientOUT.get_stations(network=net_listOUT, station="*", channel=com_listOUT,
starttime=starttime2, endtime=endtime2,
latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
minradius=minradius, maxradius=maxradius,
channelOUT = clientOUT.get_stations(network=net_listOUT, station="*", channel=com_listOUT,
starttime=starttime2, endtime=endtime2,
latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
minradius=minradius, maxradius=maxradius,
invOUT = clientOUT.get_stations(network=net_listOUT, station="JEPS", channel=com_listOUT,
starttime=starttime2, endtime=endtime2,
latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
minradius=minradius, maxradius=maxradius,
channelOUT = clientOUT.get_stations(network=net_listOUT, station="JEPS", channel=com_listOUT,
starttime=starttime2, endtime=endtime2,
latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude,
minradius=minradius, maxradius=maxradius,
# get station list
ch_listOUT = ""
sncl_list = []
for i in range(len(channelOUT)):
netOUT = channelOUT[i].code
#print (inv_ncedc[i].code)
for ii in range(len(channelOUT[i])):
staOUT = channelOUT[i][ii].code
for iii in range(len(channelOUT[i][ii])):
chaOUT = channelOUT[i][ii][iii].code
locOUT = channelOUT[i][ii][iii].location_code
snclOUT = netOUT+"."+staOUT+"."+locOUT+"."+chaOUT
print("# j2 = ",j2," snclOUT = ",snclOUT)
# write station metadata in STATIONXML format
#inv_fiOUT = sacdir + "/" + (str)(eventid_ncedc)+".sta."+(str)(distdeg_from_eq)+"km."+server_nameOUT+".xml"
inv_fiOUT = sacdir + "/" + (str)(eventid_ncedc)+".sta."+(str)(distdeg_from_eq)+"deg."+server_nameOUT+".xml"
print("# inv_fiOUT = "+inv_fiOUT)
invOUT.write(inv_fiOUT, format='STATIONXML')
inv_fiOUT = sacdir + "/" + (str)(eventid_ncedc)+".sta."+(str)(distdeg_from_eq)+"deg."+server_nameOUT+".sacpz"
print("# inv_fiOUT = "+inv_fiOUT)
invOUT.write(inv_fiOUT, format='SACPZ')
# get station list
sta_listOUT = ""
for i in range(len(invOUT)):
#print (inv_ncedc[i].code)
for ii in range(len(invOUT[i])):
if j==0:
sta_listOUT = invOUT[i][ii].code
sta_listOUT = sta_listOUT+","+invOUT[i][ii].code
print("# sta_listOUT = ",sta_listOUT)
# get seismic waveforms nased on station & network lists
stOUT = clientOUT.get_waveforms(network=net_listOUT, station=sta_listOUT, channel=com_listOUT, location="*",
starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime)
stOUT2 = stOUT.copy()
#st2 ="NC")
for trace in stOUT2:
nptsOUT = trace.stats.npts
deltaOUT =
sampHZOUT = 1.0/deltaOUT
#print("sampHZOUT = ", sampHZOUT, "nptsOUT = ", nptsOUT)
if nptsOUT < sampHZOUT:
stOUT22 = stOUT2.copy()
for i in range(len(sncl_list)):
print("# sncl_list[i] = ",sncl_list[i])
stOUT22 +=[i])
stOUT2 = stOUT22.copy()
# remove instrument response
print("# remove_response server_nameOUT = ",server_nameOUT)
pre_filt=(f1, f2, f3, f4),
#st2 ="NC",station="N*", location="10")
#print("# remove_response server_nameOUT = ",server_nameOUT)
# pre_filt=(f1, f2, f3, f4),
# output="VEL")
# save waveforms in SAC format
for i in range(len(stOUT2)):
#print (st_ncedc2[i])
sac = SACTrace.from_obspy_trace(stOUT2[i])
sac.lcalda = True
netOUT = stOUT2[i]
comOUT = stOUT2[i]
staOUT = stOUT2[i].stats.station
locOUT = stOUT2[i].stats.location
# st_starttime is different from each sacfile, but mseedid is used origin_time - pre_tw_sec
#st_starttime = st_ncedc2[i].stats.starttime
#print("# st_starttime = ",st_starttime)
stid = netOUT+"."+staOUT+"."+locOUT+"."+comOUT
print("# staOUT = ",staOUT," netOUT = ",netOUT," comOUT = ",comOUT," locOUT = ",locOUT," stid = ",stid)
#print("# stid = "+stid)
sta_coordinate = invOUT.get_coordinates(stid, starttime)
sac.stla = sta_coordinate['latitude']
sac.stlo = sta_coordinate['longitude']
sac.stel = sta_coordinate['elevation']
sac.evla = evlat
sac.evlo = evlon
sac.evdp = evdp_km
sac.kuser0 = "ncss"
sac.kevnm = (str)(eventid_ncedc)
sac.mag = evmag
outsacfi = sacdir +"/" + staOUT+"."+netOUT+"."+comOUT+"."+locOUT+".D."+mseedid+"."+(str)(eventid_ncedc)+".sac"
#print("# outsacfi = "+outsacfi)
#st_ncedc[i].write(outsacfi, format="SAC")