from obspy import read, read_inventory from obspy import UTCDateTime from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client from obspy.signal import PPSD from import pqlx from obspy.core import Stream from obspy import read, read_inventory import obspy as ob print("# obspy version = ",ob.__version__) from obspy.core.inventory import Inventory, Network, Station, Channel, Site from obspy.clients.nrl import NRL # color code from import pqlx from import viridis_white_r import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15,15 import re import yaml import os import numpy as np import argparse # font size SMALL_SIZE = 16 MEDIUM_SIZE = 18 BIGGER_SIZE = 20 plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title #Import parameters from config # Get file directory file_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) directory = os.path.dirname(file_path) flags = {"config": ("-c", str), "start_day": ("-st", str), "end_day": ("-ed", str), "ppsd_length": ("-psd", str), "net": ("-n", str), "loc_loop": ("-loc", str), "com_loop": ("-com", str), "sta_loop": ("-sta", str), "pngOPT": ("-png", bool), "epsOPT": ("-eps", bool), "debugOPT": ("-debug", bool), "plotOPT": ("-plot", bool), "waveformplotOPT": ("-waveformplot", bool), "showEQOPT": ("-eq", bool), "transformOPT": ("-transform", bool), "savenpzOPT": ("-savenpz", bool), "loopOPT": ("-loop", bool), "SISOPT": ("-sis", bool), "localdataOPT": ("-local", bool)} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Flags for") for key in flags.keys(): var = key flag, vartype = flags[key] parser.add_argument(flag, f"--{var}", metavar='', type=vartype) args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() args_dict = args.__dict__ config_name = "cal_PSD.yml" if args_dict["config"]: config_name = args_dict["config"] with open(f"{directory}/{config_name}") as c: config = yaml.safe_load(c) for var in flags.keys(): if args_dict[var]: if var == "ppsd_length": config[var] = eval(args_dict[var]) elif var == "loc_loop" or var == "com_loop" or var == "sta_loop": config[var] = args_dict[var].split(",") else: config[var] = args_dict[var] start_day = config["start_day"] end_day = config["end_day"] starttime = UTCDateTime(start_day) endtime = UTCDateTime(end_day) print(endtime) psd_data_length = eval(config["psd_data_length"]) min_db = config["min_db"] max_db = config["max_db"] # max db ddb = config["ddb"] # 1 db increment period_smoothing_width_octaves = config["period_smoothing_width_octaves"] period_step_octaves = config["period_step_octaves"] period_low = config["period_low"] period_max = config["period_max"] cmap = viridis_white_r print(cmap) ppsd_length = eval(config["ppsd_length"]) print("# ppsd_length = ", ppsd_length) net = config["net"] loc_loop = config["loc_loop"] com_loop = config["com_loop"] sta_loop = config["sta_loop"] pngOPT = config["pngOPT"] epsOPT = config["epsOPT"] debugOPT = config["debugOPT"] plotOPT = config["plotOPT"] waveformplotOPT = config["waveformplotOPT"] showEQOPT = config["showEQOPT"] transformOPT = config["transformOPT"] savenpzOPT = config["savenpzOPT"] loopOPT = config["loopOPT"] SISOPT = config["SISOPT"] localdataOPT = config["localdataOPT"] for sta in sta_loop: print("# sta = ", sta) for com in com_loop: print("# com = ", com) for loc in loc_loop: print("# loc = ", loc) client = Client("") def get_seedid(tr):"."+tr.stats.station+"."+tr.stats.location+"." return seedid def cal_PSD(sta, net, com, loc, start_day, end_day, pngOPT, epsOPT, debugOPT, client, bvOPT, SISOPT, testHTOPT, localIROPT, waveformplotOPT, showEQOPT, savenpzOPT, transformOPT, localdataOPT): if transformOPT: client.base_url = '' # image files png_fi = "./psd_plot/"+net+"."+sta+"."+com+"."+loc+"."+start_day+"."+end_day+".png" eps_fi = "./psd_plot/"+net+"."+sta+"."+com+"."+loc+"."+start_day+"."+end_day+".eps" # PSD result file npz_fi = "./psd_plot/"+net+"."+sta+"."+com+"."+loc+"."+start_day+"."+end_day+".npz" # image file WFplot_fi = "./psd_plot/"+net+"."+sta+"."+com+"."+loc+"."+start_day+"."+end_day+".WF.png" if debugOPT: print("# bvOPT = ", bvOPT) print("# testHTOPT = ", testHTOPT) print("# png_fi = ", png_fi) print("# eps_fi = ", eps_fi) print("# npz_fi = ", npz_fi) print("# WFplot_fi = ", WFplot_fi) if SISOPT: sis_dir = "" SISTestOPT = 0 sis_key = "prod" if SISTestOPT: sis_key = "test" inv_fi = sis_dir+"/preview_"+sis_key+"_"+net+"_"+sta+".xml" print("# SIS inv_fi = ", inv_fi) inv = read_inventory(inv_fi) else: if testHTOPT: ir_dir = "" inv_fi = ir_dir+"/"+net+"."+sta+".xml" inv = read_inventory(inv_fi) if localIROPT: inv_fi = "station_BVtest.xml" if sta == "MBARI": inv_fi = "station_MBARI.xml" inv = read_inventory(inv_fi) if testHTOPT != 1 and localIROPT != 1: inv = client.get_stations(network=net, station=sta, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, level="response") if debugOPT: print("# net = ", net) print("# sta = ", sta) print("# loc = ", loc) print("# com = ", com) print(client) if loopOPT == 1: starttime_cut = starttime st = Stream() while (starttime_cut <= endtime): endtime_cut = starttime_cut+psd_data_length print("# startime_cut = ", starttime_cut) print("# endtime_cut = ", endtime_cut) if bvOPT: st += client.get_waveforms_testdata(net, sta, loc, com, starttime_cut, endtime_cut, debugOPT=0) else: st += client.get_waveforms(net, sta, loc, com, starttime_cut, endtime_cut) if debugOPT: print(st) starttime_cut += 60*60*24 print("# new starttime_cut = ", starttime_cut) else: if localdataOPT: localdata_dir = "/work/ftp/outgoing/taira/WQC/bktest_data" localdata_time = "2024.163.000000" if(sta == "BK02"): localdata_dir = "/home/bsl/taira/hydro/Instrumentation/python_work" localdata_time = "2024.170.000000" localdata_fi= localdata_dir+"/"+sta+"."+net+"."+com+"."+loc+".D."+localdata_time st = read(localdata_fi) else: if bvOPT: if debugOPT: print("# get data start") st = client.get_waveforms_testdata(net, sta, loc, com, starttime, endtime, debugOPT=0) if debugOPT: print("# get data done") else: st = client.get_waveforms(net, sta, loc, com, starttime, endtime) print(st) if plotOPT: fl = 5 fh = 10 fl = 0.1 fh = 1.0 fl = 0.01 fh = 0.1 st_fil = st.copy().taper(0.05).filter("bandpass", freqmin=fl, freqmax=fh) _plot = st_fil.plot(size=(1000,300)) #_plot = st_fil.plot_rev(size=(1000,300), fix_scale=True, fix_ymin=-20, fix_ymax=20) _plot = st_fil.plot(size=(1000,300), fix_scale=True, fix_ymin=-20, fix_ymax=20) for tr in st: _plot = tr.plot(size=(1000,200)) for tr in st: tr.plot() if debugOPT: vars(inv[0][0][0]) inv[0][0][0].latitude st_lat = inv[0][0][0].latitude st_lon = inv[0][0][0].longitude st_ele = inv[0][0][0].elevation st_dep = inv[0][0][0].depth print("# st_lat = ", st_lat, " st_lon = ", st_lon) if loopOPT == 0: if debugOPT: print("# merge start") st_merge = st.merge() print(st_merge) if waveformplotOPT: _plot = st_merge.plot() _plot = st_merge.plot(outfile=WFplot_fi) # def if debugOPT: print("# PPSD start") ppsd = PPSD(stats=st_merge[0].stats, metadata=inv, db_bins=(min_db, max_db, ddb), ppsd_length=ppsd_length, period_smoothing_width_octaves=period_smoothing_width_octaves, period_step_octaves=period_step_octaves, ) if debugOPT: print("# PPSD end") # inv_36dB_9K #ppsd = PPSD(stats=st_merge[0].stats, metadata=inv_36dB_9K, db_bins=(min_db, max_db, ddb), ppsd_length=ppsd_length, # period_smoothing_width_octaves=period_smoothing_width_octaves, period_step_octaves=period_step_octaves, # ) #ppsd = PPSD(stats=st_merge[1].stats, metadata=inv, db_bins=(min_db, max_db, ddb), ppsd_length=ppsd_length) # use inv1 #ppsd = PPSD(stats=st_merge[0].stats, metadata=inv1, db_bins=(min_db, max_db, ddb), ppsd_length=ppsd_length) if debugOPT: print("# PPSD merge start") ppsd.add(st_merge[0]) #ppsd.add(st_merge[1]) if debugOPT: print("# PPSD merge end") print(ppsd) if loopOPT == 1: st_merge = st.merge() # def ppsd_loop = PPSD(stats=st_merge[0].stats, metadata=inv, db_bins=(min_db, max_db, ddb), ppsd_length=ppsd_length, period_smoothing_width_octaves=period_smoothing_width_octaves, period_step_octaves=period_step_octaves, ) print("# st_merge[0].stats.starttime) = ", st_merge[0].stats.starttime) print("# st_merge[0].stats.endtine) = ", st_merge[0].stats.endtime) starttime_cut = (st_merge[0].stats.starttime) if starttime_cut <= st_merge[0].stats.endtime: print("# test") while (starttime_cut <= st_merge[0].stats.endtime): endtime_cut = starttime_cut+psd_data_length print("# startime_cut = ", starttime_cut) print("# endtime_cut = ", endtime_cut) st_select = st_merge.copy().trim(starttime=starttime_cut, endtime=endtime_cut) print(st_select) ppsd_loop.add(st_select) starttime_cut += 60*60*24 print("# new starttime_cut = ", starttime_cut) if loopOPT == 1: ppsd_loop.plot(cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, ) else: if debugOPT: print("# ppsd.plot start") ppsd.plot(cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, ) if debugOPT: print("# ppsd.plot end") if showEQOPT: ppsd.plot(cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, show_earthquakes=(0, 5, 0, 10) ) if pngOPT: if loopOPT == 1: ppsd_loop.plot(png_fi, cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, ) else: if debugOPT: print("# ppsd.plot png start") ppsd.plot(png_fi, cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, ) #ppsd.plot(png_fi, cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, show_earthquakes=(-1, 2, 0, 10) ) #ppsd.plot_rev(png_plot_rev_fi,cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_percentiles=True, percentiles=[10]) if debugOPT: print("# ppsd.plot png end") if epsOPT: if loopOPT == 1: ppsd_loop.plot(eps_fi, cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, ) else: if debugOPT: print("# ppsd.plot eps start") ppsd.plot(eps_fi, cmap=cmap, period_lim=(period_low, period_max), show_mean = True, ) if debugOPT: print("# ppsd.plot eps end") if savenpzOPT: if loopOPT == 1: ppsd_loop.save_npz(npz_fi) else: ppsd.save_npz(npz_fi) return inv for sta in sta_loop: print("# sta = ", sta) bvOPT = 0 if re.findall('BK+[0-9]', sta) != []: #print("test") bvOPT = 1 if sta == "MBARI": bvOPT = 1 print("# bvOPT = ", bvOPT) if sta == "BK90x": localdataOPT = 1 if sta == "BK91x": localdataOPT = 1 if sta == "BK92x": localdataOPT = 1 if sta == "BK93x": localdataOPT = 1 if sta == "BK80x": localdataOPT = 1 if sta == "BK02x": localdataOPT = 1 if bvOPT: # BK02 testHTOPT = 0 # ir_dir = "" localIROPT = 1 # station BV transformOPT = 1 # has to be SISOPT = 0 # has to be zero else: testHTOPT = 0 # ir_dir = "" localIROPT = 0 # station BV for com in com_loop: print("# com = ", com) for loc in loc_loop: print("# loc = ", loc) try: inv = cal_PSD(sta, net, com, loc, start_day, end_day, pngOPT, epsOPT, debugOPT, client, bvOPT, SISOPT, testHTOPT, localIROPT, waveformplotOPT, showEQOPT, savenpzOPT, transformOPT, localdataOPT) #print("no rev now") #cal_PSD_rev(sta, net, com, loc, start_day, end_day, pngOPT, epsOPT, debugOPT, client, bvOPT, SISOPT, testHTOPT, localIROPT, waveformplotOPT, showEQOPT) except Exception as e: print(e) print("# no data?")