* Hypoinverse test file to mimic the full NCSN processing using SEED codes * Hypoinverse startup file for NCSN for newer SEED station files * Uses gain history from cal file, no attenuation history is used * To run this file with the hyp command "ini" put a statement like this in your * .cshrc file: * * puna: setenv HYPINITFILE /home/calnet/klein/hypfiles/cal2000seed.hyp * swave: setenv HYPINITFILE /home1/calnet/klein/hypfiles/cal2000seed.hyp * andreas: setenv HYPINITFILE /home/ehz/klein/hypfiles/cal2000seed.hyp * ebird: setenv HYPINITFILE /ebird/calnet/klein/hypfiles/cal2000seed.hyp * 200 T 1900 0 /Enable yr 2000 formats LET 5 2 3 2 2 /Use new, longer SEED station codes VER 'NC' '01' /Processing domain and version * STATION DATA ******* YOU MUST READ STATIONS BEFORE USING THE ATE, DEL, FMC OR XMC COMMANDS. H71 1 1 3 /use new station file format STA '/data/seis01/taira/hyp2000/config/allseed.sta' /Read ASCII file of all stations. * XMC '/data/seis01/taira/hyp2000/config/all2000seed.xmc' T 0 /Read XMAG cors, use all data FMC '/data/seis01/taira/hyp2000/config/all2000seed.fmc' T 0 /Read FMAG cors, use all data UNK 6 'IRG1' 'IRG2' 'IRG3' 'IRGE' 'WWVB' 'IRG ' /CUSP phony station codes * * MULTIPLE CRUSTAL MODELS * READ MODELS AND DELAYS IN ASCII: @/data/seis01/taira/hyp2000/config/multtest.hyp * * MAGNITUDE CHOICES MAG 1 T 3 1 /Use Eaton for Fmag1, Hirshorn for Fmag2 DUR -.81 2.22 0 .0011 0, 5*0, 9999 1 /Set Eaton's new magnitude constants DU2 .005 40, .0006 350, .014 10 /Extra dist & depth terms for Eaton DUB -2.06 2.95 0 .001 0, 5*0, 9999 1 /Zmag of Hirshorn; use -2.06=-.71-1.35 * -1.35 compensates for the 1.35 gain corr used for the 42db Z stations DUG 5 'EHZ' 'ELZ' 'ELE' 'ELN' 'SHZ' /Only apply dur mag gain corrs to these FC1 'D' 4 'EHZ' 'SHZ' 'HHZ' 'BHZ' /comps for FMAG1. * EHZ Nanometrics: same as (renamed) VDZ but EHZ has no duration gain correction FC2 'Z' 1 'ELZ' /Use lowgain verts for FMAG2=Zmag XMT 2 1 /Use Mx for xmag1 and ML for xmag2. If amptype is unlabeled, use comps * XMAG comps XC1 'X' 7 'EHZ' 'ELZ' 'ELE' 'ELN' 'EHN' 'EHE' 'SHZ' XC2 'L' 4 'WLN' 'WLE' 'HHN' 'HHE' /LOCAL MAG (ML) comps * Use BKY's Nordquist logA0 relation for the WA & synthetic WA components LA0 6 'WLN' 4, 'WLE' 4, 'BHN' 4, 'BHE' 4, 'HHN' 4, 'HHE' 4 FCM 3 'ELZ' -.06 'ELE' -.30 'ELN' -.30 /Comp corrections for Eaton Fmags XCM 3 'EHZ' .33 'VLZ' .20 'SHZ' .33 /Component corrs for Eaton Xmags PRE 6, 3 0 3 9, 1 1 0 9, 2 1 0 9, 4 4 4 9, 3 0 0 9, 4 0 0 9 /Preferred mags * Preferred mag, min readings, mag range. In pref order. * * STANDARD CHOICES FOR CALNET RMS 4 .10 2 3 /Residual weighting ERR .10 /Standard timing error POS 1.78 /P to S ratio REP T F /Log events to terminal; don't print unweighted stations JUN T /Force location of junk events MIN 4 /Min number of stations NET 2 /Use California region codes ZTR 5 /Trial depth DI1 1 50 3 6 /Initial Distance weighting DIS 4 15 3.5 7 /Main Distance weighting WET 1. .5 .2 .1 /Weights for P weight codes 0-3 * * OUTPUT FORMAT ERF T /Send error messages to terminal TOP F /No page ejects LST 1 1 0 /No station list or models in printfile KPR 2 /Medium print output each event * ******* YOU SHOULD USE THE CAL COMMAND WITH THE DATE AND TIME OF YOUR FIRST EQ. ******* USING A YEAR OF 0 (THE ATE COMMAND BELOW NOT COMMENTED OUT) WILL ALWAYS ******* WORK, BUT IS INEFFICIENT. * CAL '/data/seis01/taira/hyp2000/config/all2000seed.cal' 0 /Load cal factors for digital stations * * Now add your PHS (COP), ARC (CAR), SUM, PRT and LOC commands... * (Use H71 1 3 1 if you are reading an archive file (COP 3 or COP 5)) PHS 'hyp2000.arc' fil /query phase file for its format, set phs & arc formats ARC 'hyp2000out.arc' PRT 'hyp2000.prt' SUM 'hyp2000.sum' typ typ Now all station & crust files have been read, typ and the test earthquake files have been defined and formats set. typ Now type LOC to locate... typ