#!/usr/bin/perl # # FetchEvent # # Find the most current version at http://service.iris.edu/clients/ # # Fetch event parameters from web services. The default web service # are from the IRIS DMC, other FDSN web services may be specified by # setting the following environment variables: # # SERVICEBASE = the base URI of the service(s) to use (http://service.iris.edu/) # EVENTWS = complete URI of service (http://service.iris.edu/fdsnws/event/1) # # Dependencies: This script should run without problems on Perl # release 5.10 or newer, older versions of Perl might require the # installation of the following modules (and their dependencies): # XML::SAX # Bundle::LWP (libwww-perl) # # Installation of the XML::SAX::ExpatXS module can significantly # speed up the parsing of results returned as XML. # # The returned XML event information is parsed and printed to the # console or a file in the following ways: # # The default "parsable" output includes fields separated by vertical # bars (|) and follows this pattern: # # EventID|OriginTime|Latitude|Longitude|Depth/km|Author|Catalog|Contributor,ContribEventID|MagType,MagValue,MagAuthor|MagType,MagValue,MagAuthor|...|EventLocationName # OriginTime|Latitude|Longitude|Depth/km|Author|Catalog|Contributor,ContribEventID # # The event ID and the primary origin details are all contained on a single # line along with all magnitude estimates associated with the event. # Secondary origins, if requested, are listed below and indented to line up # with the equivalient fields of the primary origin. # # The "alternate" output (the -altform option) follows this pattern: # EVENT <event location name> eventid=<eventID> # ORIGIN <origintime>,<lat>,<lon>,<depth>,<author>,<catalog>,<contributor> originid=<originID> # ORIGIN <origintime>,<lat>,<lon>,<depth>,<author>,<catalog>,<contributor> originid=<originID> # MAGNITUDE <magtype>,<magvalue>,<author> magnitudeid=<magnitudeID> # MAGNITUDE <magtype>,<magvalue>,<author> magnitudeid=<magnitudeID> # # An EVENT can be followed by multiple ORIGIN lines if the --allorigins # option is specified and the primary origin is listed first. An # EVENT may also be followed by one or more MAGNITUDE lines. # # ## Change history ## # # 2011.161: # - Initial version. # # 2011.270: # - Allow start and end times to be indenpendently specified. # - Reorganize lat, lon, depth and mag range options to compact form that # that matches other Fetch scripts. # - Add --radius option for selecting a circular region. # - Add --magtype option. # # 2011.272: # - Reorganize default output for easy reading and hopefully easy parsing. # - Add the --altform option (unadvertised). # # 2011.273: # - Fix magnitude selection. # # 2011.277: # - Remove debugging code. # # 2011.337: # - Print error message text from service on errors. # - Add undocumented -nobs option to prevent printing backspace characters in status. # - Remove "query" portion from base URLs, moving them to the service calls. # - Include local time in output of DONE line. # # 2012.045: # - Print "No data available" when return code is 204 in addition to 404. # - Support for start/end times specified up to microsecond resolution. # # 2012.206: # - Parse primary magnitude ID and sort it to front of the mag list # - Add -allorigins and -allmags to match new service parameters # - Deprecate secondary option: remove from usage message but leave in code # - Lower-case some previously CamelCase parameter names for consistency # # 2012.221 # - Add limit argument that takes limit:offset (undocumented, for now) # # 2013.077 # - Use the LWP::UserAgent method env_proxy() to check for and use connection # proxy information from environment variables (e.g. http_proxy). # - Add checking of environment variables that will override the web # service base path (i.e. host name). # - Change updated after to take full resolution date and time. # # 2013.119 # - Fix parsing of event, origin & magnitude IDs to make them case insensitive, # recent changes in the service changed the case and broke the script. # - The event service now returns depths in meters, convert these meters to # kilometers to match the previous output and common convention. # - Fix positioning of number fields that have no decimal point and adjust widths # of fields for expected sizes. # # 2013.123 # - Attempt to parse event, origin and magnitude IDs from patterns other than # the one used by the IRIS services. # - Check for no origins for an event and print appropriate message on output. # # 2013.154 # - Change (unadvertised) option -eventurl to -eventws to match env. variable. # # 2013.162 # - Parse and store complete publicID for event, origin and magnitude IDs. # Add a function to attempt to parse shorter IDs from full public IDs for # printing. This makes the script compatible for services that do not follow # the IRIS publicID convention. # # 2013.176 # - Fixed comparisons involving the full public IDs. This had hindered the # functionality of -allorigins and -allmags # --celso # # 2013.197 # - Fix parsing of element values of "0". # # 2013.198 # - Add test for minimum version of LWP (libwww) module of 5.806. # # 2013.316 # - Allow latitude, longitude, depth, magnitude and geographic ranges # to be specified with the value of 0. Same treatment for the undocumented # 'limit' option. # # 2014.056 # - Allow gzip'ed HTTP encoding for event data requests if support # exists on the local system. # # 2014.232 # - Add "compressed from <size>" to diagnostic message when the server returns # gzip'ed content to differentiate the size transmitted versus the result. # # 2014.290 # - Change help message to refer to 'NEIC PDE' intead of just PDE. # # 2014.310 # - Add event ID parsing to include 'evid' token, needed for the ISC service. # # 2014.340 # - Fix parsing/conversion of depth value if data is separated by XML parser. # # Author: Chad Trabant, IRIS Data Management Center #:: 2014.345 - Doug Neuhauser & SMZ #:: - modifed as FetchEvent-ncedc use strict; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Long; use LWP 5.806; # Require minimum version use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Status qw(status_message); use HTTP::Date; use Time::HiRes; my $version = "2014.340"; my $scriptname = basename($0); # Default web service base my $servicebase = 'http://service.iris.edu'; my $servicebase = 'https://service.ncedc.org'; #:: NCEDC # Check for environment variable overrides for servicebase $servicebase = $ENV{'SERVICEBASE'} if ( exists $ENV{'SERVICEBASE'} ); # Web service for events my $eventservice = "$servicebase/fdsnws/event/1"; # Check for environment variable override for timeseriesservice $eventservice = $ENV{'EVENTWS'} if ( exists $ENV{'EVENTWS'} ); # HTTP UserAgent reported to web services my $useragent = "$scriptname/$version Perl/$] " . new LWP::UserAgent->_agent; my $usage = undef; my $verbose = undef; my $nobsprint = undef; my $starttime = undef; my $endtime = undef; my @latrange = (); # (minlat:maxlat) my @lonrange = (); # (minlon:maxlon) my @degrange = (); # (lat:lon:maxradius[:minradius]) my @deprange = (); # (mindepth:maxdepth) my @magrange = (); # (minmag:maxmag) my $magtype = undef; my $catalog = undef; my $contributor = undef; my $updatedafter = undef; my $altform = undef; my @limitrange = (); # (limit:offset) my $allorigins = undef; my $allmags = undef; my $orderbymag = undef; my $includearrivals = undef; #:: NCEDC my $includemecs = undef; #:: NCEDC my $eventid = undef; my $originid = undef; my $appname = undef; my $auth = undef; my $outfile = undef; my $xmlfile = undef; my $eventxml = undef; # Event identification tokens for extracting minimal ID from publicID my @eventidtokens = ("eventid","evid"); my $inflater = undef; # If Compress::Raw::Zlib is available configure inflater for RFC 1952 (gzip) if ( eval("use Compress::Raw::Zlib; 1") ) { use Compress::Raw::Zlib; $inflater = new Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate( -WindowBits => WANT_GZIP, -ConsumeInput => 0 ); } # Parse command line arguments Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling_override"); my $getoptsret = GetOptions ( 'help|usage|h' => \$usage, 'verbose|v+' => \$verbose, 'nobs' => \$nobsprint, 'starttime|s=s' => \$starttime, 'endtime|e=s' => \$endtime, 'lat=s' => \@latrange, 'lon=s' => \@lonrange, 'radius=s' => \@degrange, 'depth=s' => \@deprange, 'mag=s' => \@magrange, 'magtype=s' => \$magtype, 'catalog|cat=s' => \$catalog, 'contributor|con=s' => \$contributor, 'updatedafter|ua=s' => \$updatedafter, 'altform' => \$altform, 'limit=s' => \@limitrange, 'allorigins' => \$allorigins, 'allmags' => \$allmags, 'orderbymag' => \$orderbymag, 'includemecs' => \$includemecs, #:: NCEDC 'includearrivals' => \$includearrivals, #:: NCEDC 'eventid|evid=s' => \$eventid, 'originid|orid=s' => \$originid, 'appname|A=s' => \$appname, 'auth|a=s' => \$auth, 'outfile|o=s' => \$outfile, 'xmlfile|X=s' => \$xmlfile, 'eventws=s' => \$eventservice, ); my $required = ( defined $starttime || defined $endtime || scalar @latrange || scalar @lonrange || scalar @degrange || scalar @deprange || scalar @magrange || defined $catalog || defined $contributor || defined $eventid || defined $originid ); if ( ! $getoptsret || $usage || ! $required ) { print "$scriptname: collect event information ($version)\n"; #:: print "http://service.iris.edu/clients/\n\n"; print "Usage: $scriptname [options]\n\n"; print " Options:\n"; print " -v More verbosity, may be specified multiple times (-vv, -vvv)\n"; print "\n"; print " -s starttime Limit to origins after time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS.sss)\n"; print " -e endtime Limit to origins before time (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS.sss)\n"; print " --lat min:max Specify a minimum and/or maximum latitude range\n"; print " --lon min:max Specify a minimum and/or maximum longitude range\n"; print " --radius lat:lon:maxradius[:minradius]\n"; print " Specify circular region with optional minimum radius\n"; print " --depth min:max Specify a minimum and/or maximum depth in kilometers\n"; print " --mag min:max Specify a minimum and/or maximum magnitude\n"; print " --magtype type Specify a magnitude type for magnitude range limits\n"; print " --cat name Limit to origins from specific catalog (e.g. ISC, 'NEIC PDE', GCMT)\n"; print " --con name Limit to origins from specific contributor (e.g. ISC, NEIC)\n"; print " --ua date Limit to origins updated after date (YYYY-MM-DD,HH:MM:SS)\n"; print "\n"; # print " --altform Print output in an alternate form, default is more parsable\n"; # print " --limit max:off Limit to max events, optionally starting at offset\n"; print " --allorigins Return all origins, default is only primary origin per event\n"; print " --allmags Return all magnitudes, default is only primary magnitude per event\n"; print " --orderbymag Order results by magnitude instead of time\n"; print "\n"; print " --includemecs Return mechanism for the event\n"; #:: NCEDC print " --includearrivals Return arrivals, amplitudes, and codas for the event\n"; #:: NCEDC print "\n"; print " --evid id Select a specific event by DMC event ID\n"; print " --orid id Select a specific event by DMC origin ID\n"; print "\n"; print " -X xmlfile Write raw returned XML to xmlfile\n"; print " -A appname Application/version string for identification\n"; print "\n"; print " -o outfile Write event information to specified file, default: console\n"; print "\n"; exit 1; } # Print script name and local time string if ( $verbose ) { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); printf STDERR "$scriptname ($version) at %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; } # Normalize time strings if ( $starttime ) { my ($year,$month,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$subsec) = split (/[-:,.\s\/T]/, $starttime); $starttime = sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $month, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); $starttime .= ".$subsec" if ( $subsec ); } if ( $endtime ) { my ($year,$month,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$subsec) = split (/[-:,.\s\/T]/, $endtime); $endtime = sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $month, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); $endtime .= ".$subsec" if ( $subsec ); } if ( $updatedafter ) { my ($year,$month,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec,$subsec) = split (/[-:,.\s\/T]/, $updatedafter); $updatedafter = sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $month, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); $updatedafter .= ".$subsec" if ( $subsec ); } # Validate and prepare lat, lon and radius input if ( scalar @latrange ) { @latrange = split (/:/, $latrange[0]); if ( defined $latrange[0] && ($latrange[0] < -90.0 || $latrange[0] > 90.0) ) { die "Minimum latitude out of range: $latrange[0]\n"; } if ( defined $latrange[1] && ($latrange[1] < -90.0 || $latrange[1] > 90.0) ) { die "Maximum latitude out of range: $latrange[1]\n"; } } if ( scalar @lonrange ) { @lonrange = split (/\:/, $lonrange[0]); if ( defined $lonrange[0] && ($lonrange[0] < -180.0 || $lonrange[0] > 180.0) ) { die "Minimum longitude out of range: $lonrange[0]\n"; } if ( defined $lonrange[1] && ($lonrange[1] < -180.0 || $lonrange[1] > 180.0) ) { die "Maximum longitude out of range: $lonrange[1]\n"; } } if ( scalar @degrange ) { @degrange = split (/\:/, $degrange[0]); if ( scalar @degrange < 3 || scalar @degrange > 4 ) { die "Unrecognized radius specification: @degrange\n"; } if ( defined $degrange[0] && ($degrange[0] < -90.0 || $degrange[0] > 90.0) ) { die "Radius latitude out of range: $degrange[0]\n"; } if ( defined $degrange[1] && ($degrange[1] < -180.0 || $degrange[1] > 180.0) ) { die "Radius longitude out of range: $degrange[1]\n"; } } if ( scalar @deprange ) { @deprange = split (/\:/, $deprange[0]); if ( defined $deprange[0] && ($deprange[0] < -7000 || $deprange[0] > 7000) ) { die "Minimum depth out of range: $deprange[0]\n"; } if ( defined $deprange[1] && ($deprange[1] < -7000 || $deprange[1] > 7000) ) { die "Maximum depth out of range: $deprange[1]\n"; } } if ( scalar @magrange ) { @magrange = split (/\:/, $magrange[0]); if ( defined $magrange[0] && ($magrange[0] < -50 || $magrange[0] > 15) ) { die "Minimum magnitude out of range: $magrange[0]\n"; } if ( defined $magrange[1] && ($magrange[1] < -50 || $magrange[1] > 15) ) { die "Maximum magnitude out of range: $magrange[1]\n"; } } if ( scalar @limitrange ) { @limitrange = split (/\:/, $limitrange[0]); if ( defined $limitrange[0] && ($limitrange[0] < 1) ) { die "Event limit out of range: $limitrange[0]\n"; } if ( defined $limitrange[1] && ($limitrange[1] < 0) ) { die "Event count offset out of range: $limitrange[1]\n"; } } # Report data selection criteria if ( $verbose > 2 ) { print STDERR "Latitude range: $latrange[0] : $latrange[1]\n" if ( scalar @latrange ); print STDERR "Longitude range: $lonrange[0] : $lonrange[1]\n" if ( scalar @lonrange ); print STDERR "Radius range: $degrange[0] : $degrange[1] : $degrange[2] : $degrange[3]\n" if ( scalar @degrange ); print STDERR "Depth range: $deprange[0] : $deprange[1]\n" if ( scalar @deprange ); print STDERR "Magnitude range: $magrange[0] : $magrange[1]\n" if ( scalar @magrange ); print STDERR "Magnitude range: $limitrange[0] : $limitrange[1]\n" if ( scalar @limitrange ); } # Containers to hold event, origin and magnitude details my @eventids = (); my %eventname = (); my %eventprime = (); my %eventprimemag = (); my %origins = (); my %mags = (); my $datasize; # Fetch events from the web service &FetchEvents(); my $totalevents = 0; my $totalorigins = 0; my $totalmags = 0; # Write to either specified output file or stdout my $eventfile = ( $outfile ) ? $outfile : "-"; if ( scalar @eventids <= 0 ) { printf STDERR "No events selected\n", scalar @eventids; } open (EVENT, ">$eventfile") || die "Cannot open event file '$eventfile': $!\n"; # Write event information to stdout/console or a file if specified if ( ! defined $altform ) { # Parsable lines, one event line with primary origin, fields delimited with '|': # EventID|OriginTime|Latitude|Longitude|Depth/km|Author|Catalog|Contributor,ContribEventID|MagType,MagValue,MagAuthor|MagType,MagValue,MagAuthor|...|EventLocationName # OriginTime|Latitude|Longitude|Depth/km|Author|Catalog|Contributor,ContribEventID foreach my $eventid ( @eventids ) { $totalevents++; # Print event ID my $printeventid = &ExtractID($eventid, @eventidtokens); printf EVENT "%-8s", $printeventid; # Generate list of origin IDs with primary origin first and others sorted on ascending time my @originids = (exists $origins{$eventid}{$eventprime{$eventid}}) ? ($eventprime{$eventid}) : (); foreach my $originid ( sort { ${$origins{$eventid}{$b}}[0] cmp ${$origins{$eventid}{$a}}[0] } keys %{$origins{$eventid}} ) { push (@originids, $originid) if ( $originid ne $eventprime{$eventid} ); } $totalorigins += scalar @originids; if ( scalar @originids <= 0 ) { print EVENT " -- NO ORIGINS\n"; next; } # Print first/primary origin my ($time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor,$contributoreventid) = @{$origins{$eventid}{$originids[0]}}; printf (EVENT "|%-24s|%-8s|%-9s|%-6s|%s|%s|%s%s", $time,&decimalposition($lat,4),&decimalposition($lon,5),&decimalposition($depth,5), $author,$catalog,$contributor,($contributoreventid)?",$contributoreventid":""); # Generate list of magnitude IDs with primary magnitude first and others sorted on ascending value my @magids = (exists $mags{$eventid}{$eventprimemag{$eventid}}) ? ($eventprimemag{$eventid}) : (); foreach my $magid ( sort { ${$mags{$eventid}{$b}}[1] cmp ${$mags{$eventid}{$a}}[1] } keys %{$mags{$eventid}} ) { push (@magids, $magid) if ( $magid ne $eventprimemag{$eventid} ); } $totalmags += scalar @magids; # Print magnitudes foreach my $magid ( @magids ) { my $magstr = join (',', @{$mags{$eventid}{$magid}}); $magstr =~ s/,*$//; # Cut trailing commas print EVENT "|$magstr"; } # Print event name and newline printf EVENT "|$eventname{$eventid}\n"; # Print secondary origin lines foreach my $originid ( @originids[1..$#originids] ) { my ($time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor,$contributoreventid) = @{$origins{$eventid}{$originid}}; printf (EVENT " %-24s|%-8s|%-9s|%-6s|%s|%s|%s%s\n", $time,&decimalposition($lat,4),&decimalposition($lon,5),&decimalposition($depth,5), $author,$catalog,$contributor,($contributoreventid)?",$contributoreventid":""); } } } else { # Alternate lines, primary origin is first: # EVENT <event location name> eventid=<eventid> # ORIGIN <origintime>,<lat>,<lon>,<depthkm>,<author>,<catalog>,<contributor> originid=<originid> # ORIGIN <origintime>,<lat>,<lon>,<depthkm>,<author>,<catalog>,<contributor> originid=<originid> # MAGNITUDE <magtype>,<magvalue>,<author> magnitudeid=<magnitudeid> # MAGNITUDE <magtype>,<magvalue>,<author> magnitudeid=<magnitudeid> foreach my $eventid ( @eventids ) { $totalevents++; # Print event ID my $printeventid = &ExtractID($eventid, @eventidtokens); printf EVENT "EVENT $eventname{$eventid} eventid=$printeventid\n"; # Generate list of origin IDs with primary origin firstand others sorted on ascending time my @originids = (exists $origins{$eventid}{$eventprime{$eventid}}) ? ($eventprime{$eventid}) : (); foreach my $originid ( sort { ${$origins{$eventid}{$b}}[0] cmp ${$origins{$eventid}{$a}}[0] } keys %{$origins{$eventid}} ) { push (@originids, $originid) if ( $originid ne $eventprime{$eventid} ); } # Generate list of magnitude IDs with primary magnitude first and others sorted on ascending value my @magids = (exists $mags{$eventid}{$eventprimemag{$eventid}}) ? ($eventprimemag{$eventid}) : (); foreach my $magid ( sort { ${$mags{$eventid}{$b}}[1] cmp ${$mags{$eventid}{$a}}[1] } keys %{$mags{$eventid}} ) { push (@magids, $magid) if ( $magid ne $eventprimemag{$eventid} ); } # Print origin lines foreach my $originid ( @originids ) { $totalorigins++; my ($time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor,$contributoreventid) = @{$origins{$eventid}{$originid}}; printf EVENT " ORIGIN %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s originid=$originid\n", $time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor; } # Print magnitude lines foreach my $magid ( @magids ) { $totalmags++; print EVENT " MAGNITUDE " . join (',', @{$mags{$eventid}{$magid}}) . " magnitudeid=$magid\n"; } } } close EVENT; if ( $verbose && scalar @eventids > 0 ) { printf STDERR "Selected %d events (%d origins, %d magnitudes)\n", $totalevents, $totalorigins, $totalmags; } my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); printf STDERR "DONE at %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; ## End of main ###################################################################### # decimalposition: # # Return a string left-padded with spaces such that the decimal is at # the specified position in the string. ###################################################################### sub decimalposition { # decimalposition (value, position) my ($value, $position) = @_; my $idx = index ($value, '.'); my $len = length $value; $idx = $len if ( $idx < 0 ); return sprintf "%*s", ($position - $idx - 1 + $len), $value; } # End of decimalposition() ###################################################################### # ExtractID: # # Attempt to extract an ID from a full publicID value. The smaller ID # value is generally better for printing and is normally usable as the # value of the eventid service parameter. # # An IRIS example for <event publicID= >: # smi:service.iris.edu/fdsnws/event/1/query?eventid=3954686 # # An NEIC example for <event publicID= >: # quakeml://comcat.cr.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?eventid=pde20100115001825990_25&format=quakeml # # A SeisComP3 example for <event publicID= >: # smi:scs/0.6/gfz2013hykj # # An ISC example for <event publicID= >: # smi:ISC/evid=15925507 # ###################################################################### sub ExtractID { # ExtractID (publicid, token1[, token2, token3, ..]) my $publicid = shift; my @tokens = @_; my $id = undef; my $token = undef; foreach my $tok ( @tokens ) { if ( $publicid =~ /.*${tok}\=[0-9a-zA-Z]+/i ) { # Check for token=ID $token = $tok; last; } } if ( $token ) { ($id) = $publicid =~ /.*${token}\=([0-9a-zA-Z]+)/i; } elsif ( $publicid =~ /.*\/[^\/:]+$/ ) { # Check for ID following last slash ($id) = $publicid =~ /.*\/([^\/:]+)$/; } else { # Fall back to simply using the full public ID $id = $publicid; } return $id; } # End of ExtractID() ###################################################################### # FetchEvents: # # Collect event information for selected data set. # # Resulting information is placed in the following global structures: # @eventids - an array containing the returned event IDs in order # %eventname # %eventprime # %eventprimemag # %origins # %mags # ###################################################################### sub FetchEvents { # Create HTTP user agent my $ua = RequestAgent->new(); $ua->env_proxy; # Create web service URI my $uri = "${eventservice}/query?"; $uri .= "orderby="; $uri .= ($orderbymag) ? "magnitude" : "time"; $uri .= "&starttime=$starttime" if ( $starttime ); $uri .= "&endtime=$endtime" if ( $endtime ); if ( scalar @latrange ) { $uri .= "&minlat=$latrange[0]" if ( defined $latrange[0] ); $uri .= "&maxlat=$latrange[1]" if ( defined $latrange[1] ); } if ( scalar @lonrange ) { $uri .= "&minlon=$lonrange[0]" if ( defined $lonrange[0] ); $uri .= "&maxlon=$lonrange[1]" if ( defined $lonrange[1] ); } if ( scalar @degrange ) { $uri .= "&lat=$degrange[0]" if ( defined $degrange[0] ); $uri .= "&lon=$degrange[1]" if ( defined $degrange[1] ); $uri .= "&maxradius=$degrange[2]" if ( defined $degrange[2] ); $uri .= "&minradius=$degrange[3]" if ( defined $degrange[3] ); } if ( scalar @deprange ) { $uri .= "&mindepth=$deprange[0]" if ( defined $deprange[0] ); $uri .= "&maxdepth=$deprange[1]" if ( defined $deprange[1] ); } if ( scalar @magrange ) { $uri .= "&minmag=$magrange[0]" if ( defined $magrange[0] ); $uri .= "&maxmag=$magrange[1]" if ( defined $magrange[1] ); } $uri .= "&magtype=$magtype" if ( $magtype ); $uri .= "&catalog=$catalog" if ( $catalog ); $uri .= "&contributor=$contributor" if ( $contributor ); $uri .= "&updatedafter=$updatedafter" if ( $updatedafter ); if ( scalar @limitrange ) { $uri .= "&limit=$limitrange[0]" if ( defined $limitrange[0] ); $uri .= "&offset=$limitrange[1]" if ( defined $limitrange[1] ); } $uri .= "&includeallorigins=true" if ( $allorigins ); $uri .= "&includeallmagnitudes=true" if ( $allmags ); $uri .= "&includearrivals=true" if ( $includearrivals ); #:: NCEDC $uri .= "&includemechanisms=true" if ( $includemecs ); #:: NCEDC $uri .= "&eventid=$eventid" if ( $eventid ); $uri .= "&originid=$originid" if ( $originid ); my $ftime = Time::HiRes::time; print STDERR "Event URI: '$uri'\n" if ( $verbose > 1 ); print STDERR "Fetching event information :: " if ( $verbose ); $datasize = 0; $eventxml = ""; # Fetch event information from web service using callback routine my $response = ( $inflater ) ? $ua->get($uri, 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip', ':content_cb' => \&EDCallBack ) : $ua->get($uri, ':content_cb' => \&EDCallBack ); $inflater->inflateReset if ( $inflater ); if ( $response->code == 404 || $response->code == 204 ) { print (STDERR "No data available\n") if ( $verbose ); return; } elsif ( ! $response->is_success() ) { print (STDERR "Error fetching data: " . $response->code . " :: " . status_message($response->code) . "\n"); print STDERR "------\n" . $response->decoded_content . "\n------\n"; print STDERR " URI: '$uri'\n" if ( $verbose > 1 ); } else { printf (STDERR "%s\n", ($nobsprint)?sizestring($datasize):"") if ( $verbose ); } my $duration = Time::HiRes::time - $ftime; my $rate = $datasize/(($duration)?$duration:0.000001); printf (STDERR "Received %s%s of event information in %.1f seconds (%s/s)\n", sizestring($datasize), ( $response->content_encoding() =~ /gzip/ ) ? sprintf (" (compressed from %s)", sizestring(length $eventxml)) : "", $duration, sizestring($rate)); # Return if no metadata received return if ( length $eventxml <= 0 ); # Create stream oriented XML parser instance use XML::SAX; my $parser = new XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser( Handler => ESHandler->new ); my $totalevents = 0; my $totalorigins = 0; my $ptime = Time::HiRes::time; print STDERR "Parsing XML event data... " if ( $verbose ); # Open file to store event XML my $eventxmlfile = ( $xmlfile ) ? $xmlfile : "eventdata-$$.xml"; if ( open (EXML, ">$eventxmlfile") ) { # Write XML and close file print EXML $eventxml; close EXML; # Parse XML from file $parser->parse_file ($eventxmlfile); # Remove temporary XML file if ( ! defined $xmlfile ) { if ( ! unlink $eventxmlfile ) { print STDERR "Cannot remove temporary XML file: $!\n"; } } } # Otherwise parse the XML in memory else { printf STDERR " in memory (possibly slow), " if ( $verbose ); # Parse XML event data from string $parser->parse_string ($eventxml); } printf STDERR "Done (%.1f seconds)\n", Time::HiRes::time - $ptime if ( $verbose ); my $duration = Time::HiRes::time - $ftime; my $rate = $datasize/(($duration)?$duration:0.000001); printf (STDERR "Processed event information for $totalevents events, $totalorigins origins in %.1f seconds (%s/s)\n", $duration, sizestring($rate)); ## End of this routine, below is the XML parsing handler used above ## Beginning of SAX ESHandler, event-based streaming XML parsing package ESHandler; use base qw(XML::SAX::Base); use HTTP::Date; my $inevent = 0; my $inpreferredOriginID = 0; my $inpreferredMagnitudeID = 0; my $indescription = 0; my $intext = 0; my $invalue = 0; my $inorigin = 0; my $intime = 0; my $inlat = 0; my $inlon = 0; my $indepth = 0; my $increationInfo = 0; my $inauthor = 0; my $inmagnitude = 0; my $inmag = 0; my $intype = 0; my $name = undef; my ($name,$eventid,$originid,$porigin,$pmagnitude,$time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor,$contributoreventid) = (undef) x 13; my ($magnitudeid,$mag,$magtype,$magauthor) = (undef) x 4; sub start_element { my ($self,$element) = @_; if ( $element->{Name} eq "event" ) { ($name,$eventid,$originid,$porigin,$pmagnitude,$time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor,$contributoreventid) = (undef) x 13; ($magnitudeid,$mag,$magtype,$magauthor) = (undef) x 4; $eventid = $element->{Attributes}->{'{}publicID'}->{Value}; $inevent = 1; } if ( $inevent ) { if ( $element->{Name} eq "preferredOriginID" ) { $inpreferredOriginID = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "preferredMagnitudeID" ) { $inpreferredMagnitudeID = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "description" ) { $indescription = 1; } if ( $indescription && $element->{Name} eq "text" ) { $intext = 1; } if ( $element->{Name} eq "origin" ) { $originid = $element->{Attributes}->{'{}publicID'}->{Value}; # Search for catalog and contributor from any namespace foreach my $key (keys %{$element->{Attributes}}) { $catalog = $element->{Attributes}->{$key}->{Value} if ( $key =~ /^\{.*\}catalog$/ ); $contributor = $element->{Attributes}->{$key}->{Value} if ( $key =~ /^\{.*\}contributor$/ ); $contributoreventid = $element->{Attributes}->{$key}->{Value} if ( $key =~ /^\{.*\}contributorEventId$/ ); } $inorigin = 1; } if ( $element->{Name} eq "magnitude" ) { $magnitudeid = $element->{Attributes}->{'{}publicID'}->{Value}; $inmagnitude = 1; } } if ( $inorigin ) { if ( $element->{Name} eq "time" ) { $intime = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "latitude" ) { $inlat = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "longitude" ) { $inlon = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "depth" ) { $indepth = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "creationInfo" ) { $increationInfo = 1; } if ( ($intime || $inlat || $inlon || $indepth || $increationInfo) && $element->{Name} eq "value" ) { $invalue = 1; } if ( $increationInfo && $element->{Name} eq "author" ) { $inauthor = 1; } } if ( $inmagnitude ) { if ( $element->{Name} eq "mag" ) { $inmag = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "type" ) { $intype = 1; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "creationInfo" ) { $increationInfo = 1; } if ( $inmag && $element->{Name} eq "value" ) { $invalue = 1; } if ( $increationInfo && $element->{Name} eq "author" ) { $inauthor = 1; } } } sub end_element { my ($self,$element) = @_; if ( $element->{Name} eq "event" ) { push (@eventids, $eventid); $eventname{$eventid} = $name; $eventprime{$eventid} = $porigin; $eventprimemag{$eventid} = $pmagnitude; $totalevents++; ($name,$eventid,$porigin,$pmagnitude) = (undef) x 4; $inevent = 0; } if ( $inevent ) { if ( $element->{Name} eq "preferredOriginID" ) { $inpreferredOriginID = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "preferredMagnitudeID" ) { $inpreferredMagnitudeID = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "description" ) { $indescription = 0; } if ( $indescription && $element->{Name} eq "text" ) { $intext = 0; } if ( $element->{Name} eq "origin" ) { # Convert ISO exchange time to something slightly more readable $time =~ s/\-/\//g; $time =~ s/T/ /; # Convert QuakeML depth in meters to kilometers $depth = $depth / 1000.0; @{$origins{$eventid}{$originid}} = ($time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor,$contributoreventid); $totalorigins++; ($originid,$time,$lat,$lon,$depth,$author,$catalog,$contributor,$contributoreventid) = (undef) x 9; $inorigin = 0; } if ( $element->{Name} eq "magnitude" ) { @{$mags{$eventid}{$magnitudeid}} = ($magtype,$mag,$magauthor); ($magnitudeid,$mag,$magtype,$magauthor) = (undef) x 4; $inmagnitude = 0; } } if ( $inorigin ) { if ( $element->{Name} eq "time" ) { $intime = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "latitude" ) { $inlat = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "longitude" ) { $inlon = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "depth" ) { $indepth = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "creationInfo" ) { $increationInfo = 0; } if ( ($intime || $inlat || $inlon || $indepth || $increationInfo) && $element->{Name} eq "value" ) { $invalue = 0; } if ( $increationInfo && $element->{Name} eq "author" ) { $inauthor = 0; } } if ( $inmagnitude ) { if ( $element->{Name} eq "mag" ) { $inmag = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "type" ) { $intype = 0; } elsif ( $element->{Name} eq "creationInfo" ) { $increationInfo = 0; } if ( $inmag && $element->{Name} eq "value" ) { $invalue = 0; } if ( $increationInfo && $element->{Name} eq "author" ) { $inauthor = 0; } } } sub characters { my ($self,$element) = @_; if ( defined $element->{Data} && $inevent ) { if ( $inpreferredOriginID ) { $porigin .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ( $inpreferredMagnitudeID ) { $pmagnitude .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ( $indescription && $intext ) { $name .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ( $inorigin ) { if ( $intime && $invalue ) { $time .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ($inlat && $invalue ) { $lat .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ($inlon && $invalue ) { $lon .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ($indepth && $invalue ) { $depth .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ($increationInfo && $inauthor ) { $author .= $element->{Data}; } } elsif ( $inmagnitude ) { if ( $inmag && $invalue ) { $mag .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ( $intype ) { $magtype .= $element->{Data}; } elsif ( $increationInfo && $inauthor ) { $magauthor .= $element->{Data}; } } } } # End of SAX ESHandler } # End of FetchMetaData() ###################################################################### # EDCallBack: # # A call back for LWP downloading. # # Add received data to eventxml string, tally up the received data # size and print and updated (overwriting) byte count string. ###################################################################### sub EDCallBack { my ($data, $response, $protocol) = @_; $datasize += length($data); if ( $response->content_encoding() =~ /gzip/ ) { my $datablock = ""; $inflater->inflate($data, $datablock); $eventxml .= $datablock; } else { $eventxml .= $data; } if ( $verbose && ! $nobsprint ) { printf (STDERR "%-10.10s\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", sizestring($datasize)); } } ###################################################################### # sizestring (bytes): # # Return a clean size string for a given byte count. ###################################################################### sub sizestring { # sizestring (bytes) my $bytes = shift; if ( $bytes < 1000 ) { return sprintf "%d Bytes", $bytes; } elsif ( ($bytes / 1024) < 1000 ) { return sprintf "%.1f KB", $bytes / 1024; } elsif ( ($bytes / 1024 / 1024) < 1000 ) { return sprintf "%.1f MB", $bytes / 1024 / 1024; } elsif ( ($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) < 1000 ) { return sprintf "%.1f GB", $bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; } elsif ( ($bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) < 1000 ) { return sprintf "%.1f TB", $bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024; } else { return ""; } } # End of sizestring() ###################################################################### # # Package RequestAgent: a superclass for LWP::UserAgent with override # of LWP::UserAgent methods to set default user agent and handle # authentication credentials. # ###################################################################### BEGIN { use LWP; package RequestAgent; our @ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent); sub new { my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new(@_); my $fulluseragent = $useragent; $fulluseragent .= " ($appname)" if ( $appname ); $self->agent($fulluseragent); $self; } sub get_basic_credentials { my ($self, $realm, $uri) = @_; if ( defined $auth ) { return split(':', $auth, 2); } elsif (-t) { my $netloc = $uri->host_port; print "\n"; print "Enter username for $realm at $netloc: "; my $user = <STDIN>; chomp($user); return (undef, undef) unless length $user; print "Password: "; system("stty -echo"); my $password = <STDIN>; system("stty echo"); print "\n"; # because we disabled echo chomp($password); return ($user, $password); } else { return (undef, undef) } } } # End of LWP::UserAgent override