# << IRIS SEED Reader, Release 5.4beta-USGS-20190905 >> # # ======== CHANNEL RESPONSE DATA ======== B050F03 Station: BMN B050F16 Network: LB B052F03 Location: ?? B052F04 Channel: BHN B052F22 Start date: 1994,289,00:00:00 B052F23 End date: 1997,013,23:59:59 # ======================================= # + +--------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response (Poles & Zeros), BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------+ + # B053F03 Transfer function type: A [Laplace Transform (Rad/sec)] B053F04 Stage sequence number: 1 B053F05 Response in units lookup: M/S - Velocity in Meters Per Second B053F06 Response out units lookup: V - Volts B053F07 A0 normalization factor: 198529 B053F08 Normalization frequency: 0.3 B053F09 Number of zeroes: 2 B053F14 Number of poles: 4 # Complex zeroes: # i real imag real_error imag_error B053F10-13 0 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F10-13 1 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 # Complex poles: # i real imag real_error imag_error B053F15-18 0 -3.142000E-02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F15-18 1 -1.979000E-01 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F15-18 2 -3.142000E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F15-18 3 -6.283000E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 1 B058F04 Gain: 1.496000E+03 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +-------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response (Coefficients), BMN ch BHN | + # + +-------------------------------------------+ + # B054F03 Transfer function type: D B054F04 Stage sequence number: 2 B054F05 Response in units lookup: V - Volts B054F06 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B054F07 Number of numerators: 0 B054F10 Number of denominators: 0 # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 2 B057F04 Input sample rate: 5.120000E+03 B057F05 Decimation factor: 1 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 0.000000E+00 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 0.000000E+00 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 2 B058F04 Gain: 4.145200E+05 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response Reference Information, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # B060F03 Number of Stages: 1 B060F04 Stage number: 3 B060F05 Number of Responses: 1 # # + +--------------------------------+ + # + | FIR response, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------+ + # B041F05 Symmetry type: A B041F06 Response in units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F07 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F08 Number of numerators: 64 # Numerator coefficients: # i, coefficient B041F09 0 -1.113280E-03 B041F09 1 -1.008000E-03 B041F09 2 -1.352860E-03 B041F09 3 -1.730450E-03 B041F09 4 -2.084180E-03 B041F09 5 -2.385380E-03 B041F09 6 -2.609560E-03 B041F09 7 -2.733520E-03 B041F09 8 -2.733160E-03 B041F09 9 -2.584720E-03 B041F09 10 -2.264120E-03 B041F09 11 -1.748470E-03 B041F09 12 -1.014030E-03 B041F09 13 -3.516820E-05 B041F09 14 1.237820E-03 B041F09 15 3.159830E-03 B041F09 16 6.999450E-03 B041F09 17 9.099600E-03 B041F09 18 1.254240E-02 B041F09 19 1.631230E-02 B041F09 20 2.026320E-02 B041F09 21 2.431730E-02 B041F09 22 2.840510E-02 B041F09 23 3.246040E-02 B041F09 24 3.641430E-02 B041F09 25 4.019870E-02 B041F09 26 4.374510E-02 B041F09 27 4.698730E-02 B041F09 28 4.985730E-02 B041F09 29 5.227960E-02 B041F09 30 5.411400E-02 B041F09 31 5.439030E-02 B041F09 32 5.439030E-02 B041F09 33 5.411400E-02 B041F09 34 5.227960E-02 B041F09 35 4.985730E-02 B041F09 36 4.698730E-02 B041F09 37 4.374510E-02 B041F09 38 4.019870E-02 B041F09 39 3.641430E-02 B041F09 40 3.246040E-02 B041F09 41 2.840510E-02 B041F09 42 2.431730E-02 B041F09 43 2.026320E-02 B041F09 44 1.631230E-02 B041F09 45 1.254240E-02 B041F09 46 9.099600E-03 B041F09 47 6.999450E-03 B041F09 48 3.159830E-03 B041F09 49 1.237820E-03 B041F09 50 -3.516820E-05 B041F09 51 -1.014030E-03 B041F09 52 -1.748470E-03 B041F09 53 -2.264120E-03 B041F09 54 -2.584720E-03 B041F09 55 -2.733160E-03 B041F09 56 -2.733520E-03 B041F09 57 -2.609560E-03 B041F09 58 -2.385380E-03 B041F09 59 -2.084180E-03 B041F09 60 -1.730450E-03 B041F09 61 -1.352860E-03 B041F09 62 -1.008000E-03 B041F09 63 -1.113280E-03 # # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 3 B057F04 Input sample rate: 5.120000E+03 B057F05 Decimation factor: 16 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 6.152300E-03 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 6.152300E-03 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 3 B058F04 Gain: 1.000000E+00 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response Reference Information, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # B060F03 Number of Stages: 1 B060F04 Stage number: 4 B060F05 Number of Responses: 1 # # + +--------------------------------+ + # + | FIR response, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------+ + # B041F05 Symmetry type: A B041F06 Response in units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F07 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F08 Number of numerators: 72 # Numerator coefficients: # i, coefficient B041F09 0 1.504870E-04 B041F09 1 3.059240E-04 B041F09 2 4.429490E-04 B041F09 3 3.871170E-04 B041F09 4 -4.737870E-05 B041F09 5 -9.707720E-04 B041F09 6 -2.303170E-03 B041F09 7 -3.706380E-03 B041F09 8 -4.625050E-03 B041F09 9 -4.464800E-03 B041F09 10 -2.869850E-03 B041F09 11 7.008610E-06 B041F09 12 3.385200E-03 B041F09 13 6.003530E-03 B041F09 14 6.550940E-03 B041F09 15 4.259950E-03 B041F09 16 -5.760240E-04 B041F09 17 -6.434160E-03 B041F09 18 -1.092140E-02 B041F09 19 -1.163640E-02 B041F09 20 -7.265150E-03 B041F09 21 1.537280E-03 B041F09 22 1.193310E-02 B041F09 23 1.961570E-02 B041F09 24 2.035160E-02 B041F09 25 1.186800E-02 B041F09 26 -4.643690E-03 B041F09 27 -2.411250E-02 B041F09 28 -3.863830E-02 B041F09 29 -3.984990E-02 B041F09 30 -2.186840E-02 B041F09 31 1.616120E-02 B041F09 32 6.896240E-02 B041F09 33 1.260030E-01 B041F09 34 1.742290E-01 B041F09 35 2.018340E-01 B041F09 36 2.018340E-01 B041F09 37 1.742290E-01 B041F09 38 1.260030E-01 B041F09 39 6.896240E-02 B041F09 40 1.616120E-02 B041F09 41 -2.186840E-02 B041F09 42 -3.984990E-02 B041F09 43 -3.863830E-02 B041F09 44 -2.411250E-02 B041F09 45 -4.643690E-03 B041F09 46 1.186800E-02 B041F09 47 2.035160E-02 B041F09 48 1.961570E-02 B041F09 49 1.193310E-02 B041F09 50 1.537280E-03 B041F09 51 -7.265150E-03 B041F09 52 -1.163640E-02 B041F09 53 -1.092140E-02 B041F09 54 -6.434160E-03 B041F09 55 -5.760240E-04 B041F09 56 4.259950E-03 B041F09 57 6.550940E-03 B041F09 58 6.003530E-03 B041F09 59 3.385200E-03 B041F09 60 7.008610E-06 B041F09 61 -2.869850E-03 B041F09 62 -4.464800E-03 B041F09 63 -4.625050E-03 B041F09 64 -3.706380E-03 B041F09 65 -2.303170E-03 B041F09 66 -9.707720E-04 B041F09 67 -4.737870E-05 B041F09 68 3.871170E-04 B041F09 69 4.429490E-04 B041F09 70 3.059240E-04 B041F09 71 1.504870E-04 # # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 4 B057F04 Input sample rate: 3.200000E+02 B057F05 Decimation factor: 4 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 1.109400E-01 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 1.109400E-01 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 4 B058F04 Gain: 1.000000E+00 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response Reference Information, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # B060F03 Number of Stages: 1 B060F04 Stage number: 5 B060F05 Number of Responses: 1 # # + +--------------------------------+ + # + | FIR response, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------+ + # B041F05 Symmetry type: A B041F06 Response in units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F07 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F08 Number of numerators: 64 # Numerator coefficients: # i, coefficient B041F09 0 2.880490E-04 B041F09 1 1.553140E-03 B041F09 2 2.982310E-03 B041F09 3 2.517150E-03 B041F09 4 -5.029270E-04 B041F09 5 -2.812060E-03 B041F09 6 -8.087080E-04 B041F09 7 3.215430E-03 B041F09 8 2.712660E-03 B041F09 9 -2.915500E-03 B041F09 10 -5.094290E-03 B041F09 11 1.339330E-03 B041F09 12 7.400340E-03 B041F09 13 1.827960E-03 B041F09 14 -8.819580E-03 B041F09 15 -6.567190E-03 B041F09 16 8.386090E-03 B041F09 17 1.242690E-02 B041F09 18 -5.129790E-03 B041F09 19 -1.848690E-02 B041F09 20 -1.792370E-03 B041F09 21 2.336040E-02 B041F09 22 1.304770E-02 B041F09 23 -2.517100E-02 B041F09 24 -2.931350E-02 B041F09 25 2.126690E-02 B041F09 26 5.218990E-02 B041F09 27 -6.615170E-03 B041F09 28 -8.835350E-02 B041F09 29 -3.660620E-02 B041F09 30 1.862730E-01 B041F09 31 4.037650E-01 B041F09 32 4.037650E-01 B041F09 33 1.862730E-01 B041F09 34 -3.660620E-02 B041F09 35 -8.835350E-02 B041F09 36 -6.615170E-03 B041F09 37 5.218990E-02 B041F09 38 2.126690E-02 B041F09 39 -2.931350E-02 B041F09 40 -2.517100E-02 B041F09 41 1.304770E-02 B041F09 42 2.336040E-02 B041F09 43 -1.792370E-03 B041F09 44 -1.848690E-02 B041F09 45 -5.129790E-03 B041F09 46 1.242690E-02 B041F09 47 8.386090E-03 B041F09 48 -6.567190E-03 B041F09 49 -8.819580E-03 B041F09 50 1.827960E-03 B041F09 51 7.400340E-03 B041F09 52 1.339330E-03 B041F09 53 -5.094290E-03 B041F09 54 -2.915500E-03 B041F09 55 2.712660E-03 B041F09 56 3.215430E-03 B041F09 57 -8.087080E-04 B041F09 58 -2.812060E-03 B041F09 59 -5.029270E-04 B041F09 60 2.517150E-03 B041F09 61 2.982310E-03 B041F09 62 1.553140E-03 B041F09 63 2.880490E-04 # # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 5 B057F04 Input sample rate: 8.000000E+01 B057F05 Decimation factor: 2 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 3.937500E-01 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 3.937500E-01 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 5 B058F04 Gain: 1.000000E+00 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Sensitivity, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 0 B058F04 Sensitivity: 6.201190E+08 B058F05 Frequency of sensitivity: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # << IRIS SEED Reader, Release 5.4beta-USGS-20190905 >> # # ======== CHANNEL RESPONSE DATA ======== B050F03 Station: BMN B050F16 Network: LB B052F03 Location: ?? B052F04 Channel: BHN B052F22 Start date: 1997,014,00:00:00 B052F23 End date: 2014,021,18:09:00 # ======================================= # + +--------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response (Poles & Zeros), BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------+ + # B053F03 Transfer function type: A [Laplace Transform (Rad/sec)] B053F04 Stage sequence number: 1 B053F05 Response in units lookup: M/S - Velocity in Meters Per Second B053F06 Response out units lookup: V - Volts B053F07 A0 normalization factor: 5.71405E+08 B053F08 Normalization frequency: 0.3 B053F09 Number of zeroes: 2 B053F14 Number of poles: 5 # Complex zeroes: # i real imag real_error imag_error B053F10-13 0 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F10-13 1 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 # Complex poles: # i real imag real_error imag_error B053F15-18 0 -7.402000E-02 7.402000E-02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F15-18 1 -7.402000E-02 -7.402000E-02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F15-18 2 -5.027000E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F15-18 3 -1.005000E+03 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 B053F15-18 4 -1.131000E+03 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 1 B058F04 Gain: 2.023080E+03 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +-------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response (Coefficients), BMN ch BHN | + # + +-------------------------------------------+ + # B054F03 Transfer function type: D B054F04 Stage sequence number: 2 B054F05 Response in units lookup: V - Volts B054F06 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B054F07 Number of numerators: 0 B054F10 Number of denominators: 0 # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 2 B057F04 Input sample rate: 5.120000E+03 B057F05 Decimation factor: 1 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 0.000000E+00 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 0.000000E+00 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 2 B058F04 Gain: 4.145200E+05 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response Reference Information, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # B060F03 Number of Stages: 1 B060F04 Stage number: 3 B060F05 Number of Responses: 1 # # + +--------------------------------+ + # + | FIR response, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------+ + # B041F05 Symmetry type: A B041F06 Response in units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F07 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F08 Number of numerators: 64 # Numerator coefficients: # i, coefficient B041F09 0 -1.113280E-03 B041F09 1 -1.008000E-03 B041F09 2 -1.352860E-03 B041F09 3 -1.730450E-03 B041F09 4 -2.084180E-03 B041F09 5 -2.385380E-03 B041F09 6 -2.609560E-03 B041F09 7 -2.733520E-03 B041F09 8 -2.733160E-03 B041F09 9 -2.584720E-03 B041F09 10 -2.264120E-03 B041F09 11 -1.748470E-03 B041F09 12 -1.014030E-03 B041F09 13 -3.516820E-05 B041F09 14 1.237820E-03 B041F09 15 3.159830E-03 B041F09 16 6.999450E-03 B041F09 17 9.099600E-03 B041F09 18 1.254240E-02 B041F09 19 1.631230E-02 B041F09 20 2.026320E-02 B041F09 21 2.431730E-02 B041F09 22 2.840510E-02 B041F09 23 3.246040E-02 B041F09 24 3.641430E-02 B041F09 25 4.019870E-02 B041F09 26 4.374510E-02 B041F09 27 4.698730E-02 B041F09 28 4.985730E-02 B041F09 29 5.227960E-02 B041F09 30 5.411400E-02 B041F09 31 5.439030E-02 B041F09 32 5.439030E-02 B041F09 33 5.411400E-02 B041F09 34 5.227960E-02 B041F09 35 4.985730E-02 B041F09 36 4.698730E-02 B041F09 37 4.374510E-02 B041F09 38 4.019870E-02 B041F09 39 3.641430E-02 B041F09 40 3.246040E-02 B041F09 41 2.840510E-02 B041F09 42 2.431730E-02 B041F09 43 2.026320E-02 B041F09 44 1.631230E-02 B041F09 45 1.254240E-02 B041F09 46 9.099600E-03 B041F09 47 6.999450E-03 B041F09 48 3.159830E-03 B041F09 49 1.237820E-03 B041F09 50 -3.516820E-05 B041F09 51 -1.014030E-03 B041F09 52 -1.748470E-03 B041F09 53 -2.264120E-03 B041F09 54 -2.584720E-03 B041F09 55 -2.733160E-03 B041F09 56 -2.733520E-03 B041F09 57 -2.609560E-03 B041F09 58 -2.385380E-03 B041F09 59 -2.084180E-03 B041F09 60 -1.730450E-03 B041F09 61 -1.352860E-03 B041F09 62 -1.008000E-03 B041F09 63 -1.113280E-03 # # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 3 B057F04 Input sample rate: 5.120000E+03 B057F05 Decimation factor: 16 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 6.152300E-03 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 6.152300E-03 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 3 B058F04 Gain: 1.000000E+00 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response Reference Information, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # B060F03 Number of Stages: 1 B060F04 Stage number: 4 B060F05 Number of Responses: 1 # # + +--------------------------------+ + # + | FIR response, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------+ + # B041F05 Symmetry type: A B041F06 Response in units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F07 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F08 Number of numerators: 72 # Numerator coefficients: # i, coefficient B041F09 0 1.504870E-04 B041F09 1 3.059240E-04 B041F09 2 4.429490E-04 B041F09 3 3.871170E-04 B041F09 4 -4.737870E-05 B041F09 5 -9.707720E-04 B041F09 6 -2.303170E-03 B041F09 7 -3.706380E-03 B041F09 8 -4.625050E-03 B041F09 9 -4.464800E-03 B041F09 10 -2.869850E-03 B041F09 11 7.008610E-06 B041F09 12 3.385200E-03 B041F09 13 6.003530E-03 B041F09 14 6.550940E-03 B041F09 15 4.259950E-03 B041F09 16 -5.760240E-04 B041F09 17 -6.434160E-03 B041F09 18 -1.092140E-02 B041F09 19 -1.163640E-02 B041F09 20 -7.265150E-03 B041F09 21 1.537280E-03 B041F09 22 1.193310E-02 B041F09 23 1.961570E-02 B041F09 24 2.035160E-02 B041F09 25 1.186800E-02 B041F09 26 -4.643690E-03 B041F09 27 -2.411250E-02 B041F09 28 -3.863830E-02 B041F09 29 -3.984990E-02 B041F09 30 -2.186840E-02 B041F09 31 1.616120E-02 B041F09 32 6.896240E-02 B041F09 33 1.260030E-01 B041F09 34 1.742290E-01 B041F09 35 2.018340E-01 B041F09 36 2.018340E-01 B041F09 37 1.742290E-01 B041F09 38 1.260030E-01 B041F09 39 6.896240E-02 B041F09 40 1.616120E-02 B041F09 41 -2.186840E-02 B041F09 42 -3.984990E-02 B041F09 43 -3.863830E-02 B041F09 44 -2.411250E-02 B041F09 45 -4.643690E-03 B041F09 46 1.186800E-02 B041F09 47 2.035160E-02 B041F09 48 1.961570E-02 B041F09 49 1.193310E-02 B041F09 50 1.537280E-03 B041F09 51 -7.265150E-03 B041F09 52 -1.163640E-02 B041F09 53 -1.092140E-02 B041F09 54 -6.434160E-03 B041F09 55 -5.760240E-04 B041F09 56 4.259950E-03 B041F09 57 6.550940E-03 B041F09 58 6.003530E-03 B041F09 59 3.385200E-03 B041F09 60 7.008610E-06 B041F09 61 -2.869850E-03 B041F09 62 -4.464800E-03 B041F09 63 -4.625050E-03 B041F09 64 -3.706380E-03 B041F09 65 -2.303170E-03 B041F09 66 -9.707720E-04 B041F09 67 -4.737870E-05 B041F09 68 3.871170E-04 B041F09 69 4.429490E-04 B041F09 70 3.059240E-04 B041F09 71 1.504870E-04 # # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 4 B057F04 Input sample rate: 3.200000E+02 B057F05 Decimation factor: 4 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 1.109400E-01 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 1.109400E-01 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 4 B058F04 Gain: 1.000000E+00 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # + | Response Reference Information, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------------------------+ + # B060F03 Number of Stages: 1 B060F04 Stage number: 5 B060F05 Number of Responses: 1 # # + +--------------------------------+ + # + | FIR response, BMN ch BHN | + # + +--------------------------------+ + # B041F05 Symmetry type: A B041F06 Response in units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F07 Response out units lookup: COUNTS - Digital Counts B041F08 Number of numerators: 64 # Numerator coefficients: # i, coefficient B041F09 0 2.880490E-04 B041F09 1 1.553140E-03 B041F09 2 2.982310E-03 B041F09 3 2.517150E-03 B041F09 4 -5.029270E-04 B041F09 5 -2.812060E-03 B041F09 6 -8.087080E-04 B041F09 7 3.215430E-03 B041F09 8 2.712660E-03 B041F09 9 -2.915500E-03 B041F09 10 -5.094290E-03 B041F09 11 1.339330E-03 B041F09 12 7.400340E-03 B041F09 13 1.827960E-03 B041F09 14 -8.819580E-03 B041F09 15 -6.567190E-03 B041F09 16 8.386090E-03 B041F09 17 1.242690E-02 B041F09 18 -5.129790E-03 B041F09 19 -1.848690E-02 B041F09 20 -1.792370E-03 B041F09 21 2.336040E-02 B041F09 22 1.304770E-02 B041F09 23 -2.517100E-02 B041F09 24 -2.931350E-02 B041F09 25 2.126690E-02 B041F09 26 5.218990E-02 B041F09 27 -6.615170E-03 B041F09 28 -8.835350E-02 B041F09 29 -3.660620E-02 B041F09 30 1.862730E-01 B041F09 31 4.037650E-01 B041F09 32 4.037650E-01 B041F09 33 1.862730E-01 B041F09 34 -3.660620E-02 B041F09 35 -8.835350E-02 B041F09 36 -6.615170E-03 B041F09 37 5.218990E-02 B041F09 38 2.126690E-02 B041F09 39 -2.931350E-02 B041F09 40 -2.517100E-02 B041F09 41 1.304770E-02 B041F09 42 2.336040E-02 B041F09 43 -1.792370E-03 B041F09 44 -1.848690E-02 B041F09 45 -5.129790E-03 B041F09 46 1.242690E-02 B041F09 47 8.386090E-03 B041F09 48 -6.567190E-03 B041F09 49 -8.819580E-03 B041F09 50 1.827960E-03 B041F09 51 7.400340E-03 B041F09 52 1.339330E-03 B041F09 53 -5.094290E-03 B041F09 54 -2.915500E-03 B041F09 55 2.712660E-03 B041F09 56 3.215430E-03 B041F09 57 -8.087080E-04 B041F09 58 -2.812060E-03 B041F09 59 -5.029270E-04 B041F09 60 2.517150E-03 B041F09 61 2.982310E-03 B041F09 62 1.553140E-03 B041F09 63 2.880490E-04 # # # + +------------------------------+ + # + | Decimation, BMN ch BHN | + # + +------------------------------+ + # B057F03 Stage sequence number: 5 B057F04 Input sample rate: 8.000000E+01 B057F05 Decimation factor: 2 B057F06 Decimation offset: 0 B057F07 Estimated delay (seconds): 3.937500E-01 B057F08 Correction applied (seconds): 3.937500E-01 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Gain, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 5 B058F04 Gain: 1.000000E+00 B058F05 Frequency of gain: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 # # + +---------------------------------------+ + # + | Channel Sensitivity, BMN ch BHN | + # + +---------------------------------------+ + # B058F03 Stage sequence number: 0 B058F04 Sensitivity: 8.386020E+08 B058F05 Frequency of sensitivity: 3.000000E-01 HZ B058F06 Number of calibrations: 0 #