Archived Information About the Historic ANSS Composite Catalog Search

This information is no longer maintained but is archived here for reference.

The ANSS (Advanced National Seismic System) Composite Catalog is a world-wide earthquake catalog created by merging the master earthquake catalogs from contributing ANSS institutions and then removing duplicate solutions for the same event. The ANSS Composite Earthquake Catalog grew out of the efforts of the CNSS (Council of the National Seismic System). It was previously called the CNSS Earthquake Catalog. The ANSS Composite Catalog consists of earthquake hypocenters, orgin times, and magnitudes. Beginning January 1, 2013, ComCat is the catalog of record, superseding the ANSS catalog. ComCat, a newer and different composite catalog, contains earthquake source parameters (e.g. hypocenters, magnitudes, phase picks and amplitudes) and other products (e.g. moment tensor solutions, macroseismic information, tectonic summaries, maps) produced by contributing seismic networks. However, historic regional seismic network catalogs have not yet been fully loaded into the ANSS Comprehensive Catalog.

Historic ANSS Composite Earthquake Catalog Details

Updates and Changes

The ANSS catalog is superseded by ComCat for events beginning 2013/01/01.
The USGS NEIC has resolved the problems with their contribution to the ANSS Composite Catalog! Global events should once again be available from the catalog.
We have not received any contributions from the USGS NEIC since 11/18/2003. We are working with them and hope to fix this soon. In the meantime, there are no global events in the catalog from mid November to the present.
We are experiencing problems with the September submission from NEIC. The submission is truncated in mid-September, which means that it is missing events - particularly the 9/25/2003 M8.3 in Hokkaido. We have notified NEIC about this problem and hope to have it resolved soon.
The formatting problem with the CI submissions has been resolved! The data from 10/01/2002-present have been resubmitted and CI events no longer appear in West Africa.
The problem with submission of the US catalog from USGS Golden has been fixed! Special thanks to Ray Buland and Doug Neuhauser who worked through a number of subtle security issues to fix this problem. As of today, the NEIC catalog is current.
An alert user has notified us of a problem with the CI contributions to the ANSS composite catalog. For events submitted since 10/01/2002, a formatting problem has created erroneous locations. As a result, US and NC solutions are appearing for southern California earthquakes - and the CI events are being reported at locations in West Africa. We have notified Southern California about the problem and hope to have it resolved soon.
We are currently experiencing problems with transmission of the US data from the USGS Golden. No catalog submissions have been received since mid-November. We hope to resolve this soon.
The Hawaii catalog is back! After an absence of several months, the HV catalog has been reinstalled in the ANSS composite catalog. Events which were previously reported by NEIC should now appear with HV solutions. The newly installed catalog also solves an earlier problem with HV data reported in local time, rather than UTC.
The CI and NC polygons were modified to reflect a change in the boundaries between the northern and southern California networks. The catalog was rerun with the new boundaries. This figure illustrates the new (dotted blue) and old (solid red) boundaries. No changes to the NN boundaries were made.
The catalog search was modified:
  • Default output format now has more fields and precision.
  • Added event type selection.
  • Added option to include events with no reported magnitude.
ANSS Catalog Creation:

Each seismic network that contributes catalog data to the ANSS composite catalog is assigned a geographic region where that network's solution (location and magnitude) for earthquakes is considered authoritative. This means that if that network locates an earthquake in its authoritative region, the network's solution is considered to be the "best" solution, and its solution is guaranteed to be in the catalog.

If more than one network supplies a solution for the same earthquake, only one solution for that earthquake is included in the composite catalog. The current rules for chosing a solution for duplicate events is outlined below. These rules will be updated as we get more experience with the catalog.

  1. Events from all networks are merged together, and then divided into separate catalogs for each distinct authoritative network region.
  2. Each of the regional catalogs is independently examined for duplicate events (multiple solutions to the same earthquake), and are resolved as follows:
    • If one of the solutions comes from the authoritative network for this region, that network's solution is kept, and the other solutions for the event are discarded.
    • If none of the solutions are from the authoritative network for this region, the solution with the largest magnitude is kept, and the other solutions for the event are discarded.
  3. The remaining solutions from all regions are then merged, and examined for duplicate events.
    • If duplicate events are found, the solution with the largest magnitude is kept, and the other solutions for the event are discarded.

The ANSS composite catalog is created and stored at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC).

Duplicate Events

Each contributing seismic network is presumed to submit only one solution for each earthquake. However, it is entirely possible for multiple seismic networks to each contribute their own solution for the same earthquake. Since no two networks will locate an earthquake at the exact same location and time, we use the following critera to decide whether any 2 solutions represent the same earthquake:

  1. The two solutions must be submitted by different networks. We assume that each network has eliminated duplicate solutions to the same event within their own catalog.
  2. The two solutions must be within 100 km and within 16 seconds of each other.

Any two solutions that satisfy the above critera are considered duplicate solutions, and only one of them will be retained in the composite catalog.

Authoritative Regions<

Each reporting network is assigned an authoritative region, represented by a closed polygon and given as latitude and longitude pairs. The following maps shows the boundaries of the authoritative regions for the contributing networks. The symbols on the maps show the seismic station locations of the respective networks. Any region not assigned to a regional network is by default assigned to NEIC.

Polygon Boundaries

Historic ANSS Composite Catalog Caveats

The ANSS (Advanced National Seismic System) Composite Catalog is a world-wide earthquake catalog created by merging the master earthquake catalogs from contributing ANSS institutions and then removing duplicate solutions for the same event. The ANSS Composite Earthquake Catalog grew out of the efforts of the CNSS (Council of the National Seismic System). It was previously called the CNSS Earthquake Catalog. The ANSS Composite Catalog consists of earthquake hypocenters, orgin times, and magnitudes. Beginning January 1, 2013, ComCat is the catalog of record, superseding the ANSS catalog. ComCat, a newer and different composite catalog, contains earthquake source parameters (e.g. hypocenters, magnitudes, phase picks and amplitudes) and other products (e.g. moment tensor solutions, macroseismic information, tectonic summaries, maps) produced by contributing seismic networks. However, historic regional seismic network catalogs have not yet been fully loaded into the ANSS Comprehensive Catalog.

As a composite catalog - comprised of contributions from member networks - the ANSS catalog is not uniform in its coverage. Many of the ANSS networks are funded by the USGS and began operations in the 1960s and 1970s. In other areas, however, catalogs are available for longer time periods. The catalog is also non-uniform in its magnitude completeness.

In the figures lined below, we provide information on the contributions from each seismic network in the time period from 1900-2012. Note that the seismicity among the regions may vary by orders of magnitude. The most active areas generally update their catalogs daily, while less active areas update their catalogs less frequently.

The bottom portion of each figure indicates the monthly contributions from that network. An X indicates submitted data, no symbol indicates no data or no submitted data. The top part of the figure indicates the number of earthquakes in each submission. These vary as a function of time, due to issues such as network funding and background seismicity.

These figures are based on this file of event counts for each network code.

Some of the earliest contributions to the ANSS Composite Catalog come from networks in California and Alaska. The earliest entry in the NEIC catalog is in 1920. Significant US effort in earthquake monitoring outside of California did not begin until the 1960s and 1970s, motivated by the concern over nuclear weapons testing and the advent of the NEHRP program.

The ANSS Composite catalog contains a number of idiosyncrasies. For example, magnitudes for California earthquakes were not routinely reported until the 1940s. For global events, magnitudes are not routinely reported until the early 1960s. This means, for example, that the largest earthquake observed - the 1960 Chilean earthquake (Mw 9.5) - appears in this catalog without an associated magnitude.

Source codes for the contributing networks

The following table provides the network codes for the ANSS network that contributed earthquake information to the ANSS Composite Catalog. Most networks used their own network code as the ANSS location and magnitude source code for events that they contribute to the catalog.

Code  Network Name and Operator
AK	Alaska Regional Network (Univ. of Alaska, USGS)
BK	Berkeley Seismic Network (UC Berkeley)
CI	Southern California Seismic Network (Caltech, USGS)
DR	Dominican Republic Seismic Network (Instituto Sismologico Universitario)
HV	Hawaii Volcano Observatory Network (USGS)
LD	Lamont Doherty Seismographic Network
MB	Montana Seismic Network
NC	Northern California Seismic Networks (USGS, UC Berkeley)
NE	New England Seismic Network (Boston College)
NM	Cooperative New Madrid Seismic Network (St. Louis Univ, Univ. of Memphis, USGS)
NN	Nevada Seismic Network (Univ. of Nevada, Reno)
PR	Puerto Rico Seismic Network (Univ of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez)
SE	SouthEast US Network
US	National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) (USGS)
UU	Utah Seismic Network (Univ. of Utah)
UW	Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
(Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Oregon, Oregon State Univ.) WY Yellowstone WY Seismic Network (USGS, Univ. of Utah)

NEIC (National Earthquake Information Center) provides information for earthquakes worldwide, and often incorporates locations or magnitudes from different sources. The following table lists all of the sources codes used by NEIC for event locations and magnitudes.

Code  Source of Information
AAE	* Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
AAM	University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
ACI	Universita di Calabria, Cosenza, Italy
ADE	Sutton Institute of Earthquake Physics, Eastwood S.A., Australia
ADK	* Adak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA
AGS	USGS, Alaska Seismic Project, Menlo Park, California
ALP	* Ascoli Piceno, Abruzzo, Italy
ALQ	* Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
API	* Apia Observatory, Samoa
ALG	C.N.A.A.G., Alger-Bouzareah, Algeria
APT	* Avery Point, Connecticut, USA
APY	Inst. Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales, Managua, Nicaragua
AQU	* L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italy
ARO	Observatoire Geophysique d'Arta, Djibouti
ASH	Institute of Seismology, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
ASP	* Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
ATH	National Observatory of Athens, Greece
ATL	Georgia Tech University, Atlanta
ATX	University of Texas, Austin
AUS	Australian Geological Survey Organization, Canberra, Australia
BDF	Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil
BEO	* Beograd, Srbija, Yugoslavia
BER	Seismological Observatory, Bergen, Norway
BFD	* Bellfield, Victoria, Australia
BGG	* Burg Eltz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
BGS	British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
BHD	Seismology Unit, Scientific Research Council, Baghdad, Iraq
BHK	University of Kentucky, Lexington
BHL	* Bhannes, Lebanon
BJA	* Jaww, Bahrain
BJI	State Seismological Bureau, Beijing, China
BJI	* Alternate
BKN	Procurement Executive, Ministry of Defence, Blacknest, UK
BKS	* Berkeley-Byerly, California, USA
BLA	Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg
BLM	Indian Point Network, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, New Jersey
BLY	* Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina
BMU	Bahrain Meteorological Service, Bahrain
BNG	Centre ORSTOM, Bangui, Central African Republic
BNS	Division of Earthquake Geology, University of Cologne, Germany
BOG	Universidad Javeriana, Instituto Geofisico, Bogota, Colombia
BOU	University of Colorado, Boulder
BRA	Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
BRK	University of California, Berkeley
BRL	* Berlin--Free University, Berlin, Germany
BRS	University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
BRT	* Bari-Castellana, Puglia, Italy
BRY	* Bratogos, Crna Gora, Yugoslavia
BSE	Boise State University, Idaho
BTH	* Betharram, Aquitaine, France
BUC	Center of Earth Physics and Seismology, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
BUD	Hungarian Seismological Institute, Budapest
BUG	Ruhr-Universitaet, Bochum, Germany
BUL	Goetz Observatory, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
BUT	Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Butte
BYT	Central Institute of Mines, Katowice, Poland
CAM	Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
CAN	Australian National University, Canberra
CAR	Instituto Sismologico, Observatorio Cagigal, Caracas, Venezuela
CAT	Instituto Scienze della Terra, Catania, Italy
DMG	California Division of Mines and Geology, Sacramento
CDP	Nat. Research Center for Disaster Prevention, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
CDR	Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Fontenay aux Roses, France
CDW	California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento
CEA	* Ceahlau, Romania
CFF	Inst. et Obs. de Physique du Globe, Clermont-Ferrand, France
CHG	Meteorological Department, Bangkok, Thailand
CLE	John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio
CLL	* Collm, Sachsen, Germany
CLT	G.S.C., Charlevoix Local Telemetered Network, Ottawa, Canada
CMS	* Cobar Meteorology Station, New South Wales, Australia
CNB	* Canberra Magnetic Observatory, Canberra, Australia
CNR	Centre National de la Recherche Scient. et Tech., Rabat, Morocco
CON	* Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile
COO	* Cooney Tunnel, New South Wales, Australia
COP	Geodetic Institute, Charlottenlund, Denmark
CRT	Universidad de Granada, Spain
CSC	* Columbia, South Carolina, USA
CSS	Geological Survey Department, Nicosia, Cyprus
CTI	* Castello Tesino, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
CVF	* Calvi, Corse, France
CWF	* Charnwood Forest, England, United Kingdom
DAL	Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
DBN	Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, De Bilt
DDA	Directorate of Disaster Affairs, Lodumlu, Ankara, Turkey
DIA	Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Eire
DJA	Lembaga Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Jakarta, Indonesia
DKM	* Kilmashogue, Eire
DLE	* Lyons Estate, Eire
DMN	Department of Mines and Geology, Kathmandu, Nepal
DMU	* Kingscourt, Eire
DOE	* DOE Explosions
DOU	* Dourbes, Belgium
DRI	Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan
DSI	State Water Works Division (DSI), Ankara, Turkey
DUI	* Duronia, Molise, Italy
ECP	* Carnsore Point, Eire
ECT	G.S.C., Eastern Canada Telemetered Network, Ottawa, Canada
ECX	CICESE, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
EDI	* Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
EDM	University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
EDU	* Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
ELO	* Logiealmond, Scotland, United Kingdom
ERC	Centro Ettore Majorana, Erice, Italy
ERD	* Erdek, Turkey
ERE	National Survey of Seismic Protection, Yerevan, Armenia
ERI	Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
ERL	* Earthquake Research Lab, San Francisco, California, USA???
ESK	* Eskdalemuir, Scotland, United Kingdom
ETA	* Tara, Eire
EXC	* Excelsior, Nevada, USA
EXP	* Contributed explosion (not DOE)
FDF	I.P.G., Observatoire Geophysique, St. Pierre, Martinique
FIR	* Firenze, Toscana, Italy
FLA	Arizona Earthquake Information Center, Flagstaff
FOG	Osservatorio V. Nigri, Foggia, Italy
FRF	* La Foret Royale, Provence-Cote d'Azur, France
FUR	Geophysikalisches Obs. der Univ. Munchen, Furstenfeldbruck, Germany
GBZ	Marmara Research Center, Gebze, Turkey
GCG	INSIVUMEH, Guatemala City, Guatemala
GEN	Instituto Geofisico e Geodetico, Universita di Genova, Italy
GEO	Teledyne Geotech Corporation, Garland, Texas
GIA	Geophysical Institute, Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks
GIB	* Gibilmanna, Sicilia, Italy
GIL	* Gilmore Creek, Central Alaska, Alaska, USA
GLD	* U.S. Geological Survey, Golden (not NEIS)
GOL	Geophysics Department, Colorado School of Mines, Golden
GRC	* Garchy, Bourgogne, France
GRF	Zentralobservatorium Graefenberg, Erlangen, Germany
GRN	IRIGM, Lab. de Geophys. Interne et Tectonophys., Grenoble, France
GSH	* Grosshau, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
GUV	Guri, Venezuela
HCG	* Craig Goch, Wales, United Kingdom
HCY	* Herceg Novi, Crna Gora, Yugoslavia
HDC	Universidad Nacional, Campus Omar Dengo, Heredia, Costa Rica
HEL	Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Finland
HFS	National Defence Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
HIG	Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, Honolulu
HKC	Royal Observatory, Kowloon, Hong Kong
HKT	University of Texas, Galveston
HLW	Helwan Observatory, Helwan, Egypt
HNR	Ministry of Natural Resources, Honiara, Solomon Islands
HOJ	University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica
HON	NOAA, Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
HRS	Hirosaki University, Japan
HRV	* Harvard University
HSS	Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
HTL	* Hartland, England, United Kingdom
HVO	USGS, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Hawaii
IBK	* Innsbruck, Austria
ICR	Instituto Costariccense de Electricidad, San Jose, Costa Rica
IIM	Instituto de Inginieria, UNAM, Mexico City
ING	Div. de Sismologia, INGEOMINAS, Bogota, Colombia
INM	Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofisica, Lisbon, Portugal
INT	INTEVEP, Caracas, Venezuela
INY	Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
ISK	I Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul, Turkey
IST	Technical Univ. of Istanbul, Tesvikiye, Istanbul, Turkey
IVA	* Berane, Crna Gora, Yugoslavia
JCK	* Jackerath, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
JER	Institute for Petroleum Research and Geophysics, Holon, Israel
JHI	Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat, India
JMA	Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo
JSO	Jordan Seismological Observatory, Amman
KBA	* Barrage Koelnbrein, Austria
KBN	* Korca, Albania
KDC	* Kodiak, Kodiak Island, Alaska, USA
KLG	* Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia
KLL	* Kalltalsperre, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
KLM	Malaysian Met. Service, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
KMI	* Kunming, Yunnan, China
KNT	* Kendrikon, Greece
KOE	* Koppel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
KRA	* Krakow, Poland
KRW	Geophysikalisches Institut, Karlsruhe, Germany
KUK	Ghana Geological Survey Department, Accra
KYT	Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Japan
LAK	Kansas Geological Survey, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence
LAO	Large Aperture Seismic Array, Billings, Montana (closed)
LCI	* Lecce, Puglia, Italy
LDG	CEA, Lab. de Detection et de Geophys., Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France
LDN	University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
LIC	Station Geophysique de Lamto, Cote d'Ivoire
LIM	Instituto Geofisico del Peru, Lima
LJC	IGPP, U.C. San Diego, La Jolla, California
LJU	Seismological Survey of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
LLI	Instituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia--CNR, Catania, Italy
LMM	Servico Meteorologico de Mocambique, Maputo
LOA	Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories, Los Alamos, New Mexico
LPZ	Observatorio San Calixto, La Paz, Bolivia
LRS	Long Range Seismic Monitoring Network, Garland, Texas (closed)
LSZ	Geological Survey Department, Lusaka, Zambia
LVM	Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California
LWI	Departement de Geophysique, Lwiro, Zaire
MAC	* Macroseismic location
MAN	Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Quezon City
MAT	* Matsushiro, Nagano, Honshu, Japan
MBO	Centre ORSTOM de Senegal, M'Bour, Senegal
MDD	Instituto Geografico y Catastral, Madrid, Spain
MES	Instituto Geofisico e Geodetico, Messina, Italy
MEX	RESMAC, IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico City (now part of UNM network)
MGG	* Marie Galante, Guadeloupe
MHI	* Mashhad, Iran
MLG	* Mont-d'Or Baillif, Guadeloupe
MNL	USGS, Menlo Park, California
MNL	MNM  MNM   University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
MNS	* Montasola, Lazio, Italy
MOF	* Molkenrain, Alsace, France
MOS	Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, Russia
MOS	Inst. Physics of the Earth Regional Stations, Moscow, Russia
MOX	* Moxa, Thuringen, Germany
MPR	University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
MRB	Servei Geologic de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
MSO	University of Montana, Missoula
MTA	Mineral Research and Exploration Institute (MTA), Ankara, Turkey
MUI	Ferdowski University, Mashhad, Iran
MUN	* Mundaring, Western Australia, Australia
NAO	NTNF/NORSAR, Kjeller, Norway
NAR	NARS network, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
NAU	* Nanutarra, Western Australia, Australia
NB2	* Norsar Array Site 02B00, Norway
NDI	India Meteorological Department, New Delhi
NED	Delaware Geological Survey, Newark
NEI	USGS, NEIS, Golden (formerly NEIC and USCGS)
NEW	* Newport, Washington, USA
NGY	Nagoya University, Japan
NOU	Centre ORSTOM de Noumea, New Caledonia
NRR	* North Reno, Nevada, USA
OHR	* Ohrid, Makedonija, Yugoslavia
ORI	* Oriolo, Calabria, Italy
ORO	* Oropa, Piemonte, Italy
OTT	Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
OTT	Geological Survey of Canada Regional Stations, Ottawa, Canada
OVO	Osservatorio Vesuviano, Naples, Italy
PAG	* Le Parnasse, Guadeloupe
PAL	Lamont-Doherty Geophysical Observatory, Palisades, New York
PAR	Institut de Physique du Globe, Univ. P & M Curie, Paris, France
PAS	California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
PDA	Observatorio Alfonso Chaves, Ponta Delgada, Azores
PHP	* Peshkopi, Albania
PIN	Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Rawalpindi
PLE	* Pljevlja, Crna Gora, Yugoslavia
PLV	National Center for Scientific Research, Hanoi, Vietnam
PMG	Geological Survey, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
PMR	NOAA, Alaska Tsunami Warning Center, Palmer
PPT	Laboratoire de Geophysique, Papeete, French Polynesia
PRE	Geological Survey, Pretoria, South Africa
PRO	* Pesaro, Marche, Italy
PRT	Osservatorio San Domenico, Prato, Italy
PRU	Geofyzikalni Ustav CSAV, Praha, Czech Republic
PTJ	* Puntijarka, Croatia
PVY	* Plav, Crna Gora, Yugoslavia
QCP	Manila Observatory, Ateneo de Manila Univ., Manila, Philippines
QDM	Queensland Department of Mines, Brisbane, Australia
QIS	* Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
QLP	* Quilpie, Queensland, Australia
QMB	University of Leeds, Yorkshire, UK
QUE	Pakistan Meteorological Department, Quetta, Pakistan
QUI	Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
RAB	Geological Survey, Vulcano Observatory, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
RBA	Rabat, Morocco
RDJ	Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
REN	University of Nevada, Reno
REX	Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho
REY	Icelandic Meteorological Office, Reykjavik, Iceland
RIV	* Riverview, New South Wales, Australia
RMN	* Mount Ramon, Israel
RMP	* Rome-Monte Porzio Catone, Lazio, Italy
RMQ	* Roma, Queensland, Australia
ROM	Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Rome, Italy
RUV	Rede Universitaria de Vigilancia Sismovulcanica, Sao Miguel, Azores
RYD	King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
SAK	Sakhalin Complex Research Institute, Novoalexandrovsk, Russia
SAL	* Salo, Lombardia, Italy
SAN	Universidad de Chile, Santiago
SND	Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico
SBS	Institut National de la Meteorologie, Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia
SCP	Pennsylvania State University, State College
SDA	* Shkodra, Albania
SDD	Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
SEA	University of Washington, Seattle
SFS	Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada, San Fernando, Spain
SGO	* Sicignano, Campania, Italy
SHV	Kyushu University, Japan
SJA	INPRES, San Juan, Argentina
SJG	* San Juan, Puerto Rico
SJR	Seccion de Sismologia, Univ. de Costa Rica, San Jose
SJS	* San Jose, Costa Rica
SKO	Seismological Observatory, Skopje University, Yugoslavia
SLC	University of Utah, Salt Lake City
SLC	University of Utah Research Institute, Salt Lake City
SLM	St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri
SNM	New Mexico Tech, Socorro, New Mexico
SOF	Section of Seismology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
SPG	Service de Physique du Globe, Rabat Agdal, Morocco
SRN	* Saranda, Albania
SRO	* Srobarova, Slovakia
SSO	Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale, Macerata, Italy
SSS	Centro de Investigaciones Geotecnicas, San Salvador, El Salvador
STB	* Steinbach, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
STK	* Stephens Creek, New South Wales, Australia
STR	Institut de Phys. du Globe, Univ. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
STU	Institut fur Geophysik der Universitat Stuttgart, Germany
SVA	Department of Mineral Resources, Suva, Fiji
TAC	* Tacubaya, Distrito Federal, Mexico
TAF	* Taforalt, Morocco
TAN	Observatoire de Tananarive, Universite de Madagascar
TAP	Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, China (Taiwan)
TAT	Chinese Earthquake Research Center, Taipei, China (Taiwan)
TAU	University of Tasmania, Australia
TEH	University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
TEI	Center for Earthquake Research and Information, Memphis, Tennessee
THE	Geophysical Laboratory, University of Thessaloniki, Greece
TIF	I.G. of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia
TIO	* Tiouine, Morocco
TIR	Seismological Center, Academy of Sciences of Albania, Tirana
TOH	Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
TOL	* Toledo, Spain
TOO	* Toolangi, Victoria, Australia
TRI	Osservatorio Geofisico Sperimentale, Trieste, Italy
TRN	University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad
TTG	Seismological Institute of Montenegro, Titograd, Yugoslavia
TUL	Oklahoma Geological Survey, Leonard
TVA	Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville
TZN	University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
UAV	Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela
UBC	University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
UCC	Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Uccle, Brussels, Belgium
ULC	* Ulcinj, Crna Gora, Yugoslavia
UNM	Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, Mexico City
UPA	Universidad de Panama, Panama
UPP	Seismological Institute, Uppsala, Sweden
URS	Kochi University, Kochi, Japan
USB	U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado
USC	University of Southern California, Los Angeles
USG	U.S. Geological Survey--other than AGS, MNLO, NEIS and HVO
UTS	Utsunomiya University, Japan
UVC	Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
VAO	Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
VAY	* Valandovo, Makedonija, Yugoslavia
VIC	* Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
VIE	Zentralanstalt fur Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna, Austria
VKA	* Vienna-Zobenzl, Austria
VLO	* Vlora, Albania
VOY	* Vojsko, Slovenia
WAR	Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
WWC	* Woodward-Clyde
PGC	G.S.C., Western Canada Telemetered Network, Sidney, B.C., Canada
WEL	Inst. of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand
WEL	I.G.N.S., Clyde network, Wellington, New Zealand
WEL	I.G.N.S., Hawkes Bay network, Wellington, New Zealand
WEL	I.G.N.S., Pukaki network, Wellington, New Zealand
WEL	I.G.N.S., Taupo network, Wellington, New Zealand
WEL	I.G.N.S., Wellington network, Wellington, New Zealand
WER	* Werombi, New South Wales, Australia
WES	Weston Observatory, Boston, Massachusetts
WIH	Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, India
YND	Institute of Geological and Mining Research, Yaounde, Cameroon
ZAG	Geophysical Institute, University of Zagreb, Croatia
ZON	Instituto Sismologico Zonda, San Juan, Argentina
ZUL	* Zurich-Lagern, Switzerland
ZUR	Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst, Zurich, Switzerland