AWS Public Dataset
In 2023, the NCEDC archive became part of the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Open Data Sponsorship Program and all of its data are now mirrored in the cloud (s3://ncedc‐pds; us‐east‐2 region). Tutorials and scripts are available to facilitate user access to this public data set. This allows the NCEDC to leverage Amazon’s cloud infrastructure and provide users the ability to provision gigabit connections to the archive as well as take advantage of the numerous computational resources offered by AWS.
NCEDC data holdings currently consist of more than 184 TB of data encompassing 29 networks and 2,640 stations. Time series data come from broadband, short period, strong motion seismic sensors, and other geophysical instruments. Earthquake catalogs include origin time, hypocenter, magnitude, moment tensor, focal mechanisms, phase arrivals, codas, and amplitude data. Metadata and instrument response for seismic sites are accessible in various formats for all data channels archived at the NCEDC.
The tutorial linked below describes some quick examples on how to start using the NCEDC dataset. An AWS account is not required to access the dataset.
The page below describes how the NCEDC waveform data, catalog data, and metadata are organized within the AWS Public Dataset:
: Entire NCEDC Dataset Now Available Through AWS
: Current issue with ObsPy FDSN web service client
: FTP service to be retired on May 31, 2022
- 2003 San Simeon Earthquake (5)
- 2004 Parkfield Earthquake (3)
- Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN, BK) (11)
- Bugs (6)
- Calpine/LBL Geysers data (BG) (8)
- Catalogs (21)
- Data Access Methods (19)
- Data Availability (32)
- Data Center Operations (26)
- Data Center Outages (9)
- Data Distribution (3)
- Data Holdings (16)
- Earthquake Catalogue (21)
- Earthquake Depths (3)
- Earthquake Locations (9)
- High Resolution Seismic Network (HRSN, BP) (4)
- Magnitude (10)
- Magnitude Errors (4)
- Metadata (4)
- Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC) (14)
- Northern California Seismic System (NCSS) (7)
- Northern Hayward Fault Network (NHFN, BK) (3)
- SEED format (6)
- Sampling Rate (3)
- Strain Data (3)
- The Geysers (5)
- Timing Errors (3)
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (3)
- UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) (4)
- USGS Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN) (11)
- Uncategorized (4)
- Waveform Data (33)
- Web Services (5)