Other Geophysical Datasets
Data access
The assembled datasets for the Calpine/Unocal Geysers Network, the High Resolution Seismic Network, and the fragmented HRSN and BDSN network days are available via ftp.
All of the archived data for the mini-PBO (BK), BDSN EM (BK), USGS Low-frequency (UL), and PBO (PB) networks is in SEED or miniSEED format and can be queried for and retrieved using our standard tools:
In addition, the USGS maintains a Cleaned version of the USGS Low-frequency (UL )data on its website.
mini-PBO Temperature, Pressure and Strain Measurements (Network code: BK)
A collaborative effort of the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at Menlo Park, the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at Carnegie Institution of Washington (CIW), and the IGPP at UC San Diego (UCSD), mini-PBO, now part of the Berkeley Borehole Network (BBN) augments existing infrastructure in central California to form an integrated pilot system of instrumentation for the study of plate boundary deformation, with special emphasis on its relation to earthquakes.
The borehole component is focused on the San Francisco Bay area, and augments existing instrumentation along the Hayward and San Andreas faults with up to 8 sites with borehole tensor strainmeters and seismometers, downhole pore pressure and tilt sensors, and geodetic GPS receivers.
For current mini-PBO information as well as individual station pages, please see the Berkeley Seismological Lab's Berkeley Borehole Network pages.
- BK Information Directory, including list of station locations, list of available channels (yy/mm/dd and yyyy.doy formats), and instrument response (SEED and simplified format).
BDSN Electric and Magnetic Field Measurements (Network code:BK)
Current Berkeley Digital Seismic Network Electro-magnetic observatory information can be found on the Berkeley Seismological Lab EM observatory web page.
- BK Information Directory, including list of station locations, list of available channels (yy/mm/dd and yyyy.doy formats), and instrument response (SEED and simplified format).
USGS Low-Frequency Geophysical Data (Network code: UL)
From 1975 to February 2013, the USGS and its collaborators collected an extensive set of fault monitoring data. The dataset consists of 9 different experiment types and contains over 1300 channels of strain, creep, magnetic field, tilt, well water level, differential lake level, electric field, pore pressure and associated environmental measurements such as rainfall, barometric pressure, wind speed, snow depth and crustal temperature at various depths. These data are often called "low-frequency data" because the typical sample rate of once every 10 minutes is low in comparison to typical seismic sample rates. The largest volume of data come from sites located near the San Andreas fault system in California, but the dataset also includes sites in Oregon, Alaska and the South Pacific.
- UL Information Directory, including SEED conventions for the UL network, SEED channel identifiers, list of station locations, list of available channels (yy/mm/dd and yyyy.doy formats), and instrument response (SEED and simplified format).
Data access
All of the archived data for network PB is in SEED or miniSEED format and can be queried for and retrieved using our standard tools. In addition, the USGS maintains a Cleaned version of the data on its website.
PBO Strain and Environmental Data (Network code: PB)
The Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) component of EarthScope is a geodetic observatory designed to study the three-dimensional strain field resulting from deformation across the active boundary zone between the Pacific and North American plates in the western United States. The observatory consists of arrays of Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers and strainmeters which will be used to deduce the strain field on timescales of days to decades. Main PBO web page.
- PB Information Directory, including list of station locations, list of available channels (yy/mm/dd and yyyy.doy formats), and instrument response (SEED and simplified format).
Assembled Datasets
1989-2000 Calpine/Unocal Geysers Network
The Calpine/Unocal Geysers dataset is a collection of digial microearthquake seismograms recorded in the California Geysers geothermal field. For more information about this Geysers data, please see the main NCEDC page for the Calpine/Unocal Geysers Network (1989-2000) and the Enhanced Geothermal Systems project site at The Geysers (2009-present)
1987-1998 HRSN Data (High Resolution Seismic Network, Parkfield, CA)
Older HRSN waveforms spanning January 1987 through June 1998 are available as an assembled data set These older waveforms span . For more information about working with this older HRSN data, please see http://ncedc.org/hrsn/hrsn.archive.html. For current HRSN network information as well as individual station pages, please see the Berkeley Seismological Lab's HRSN pages.
Fragmented Days from HRSN and BDSN Networks
For some High Resolution Seismic Network and Berkeley Digital Seismic Network days with very fragmented data, we have assembled data sets with more complete data than is archived.