NCEDC News/Blog

EVT_FAST system provides access to NCSN waveform data

Categories:   Data Access Methods  |  Metadata  |  USGS Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN)  |  Waveform Data  |  Seismic Analysis Code

November 16, 2001 

November 16, 2001

The USGS Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN) has recorded seismic waveforms for events in northern California from 1984 through present time. These data are archived at the NCEDC, and are now available to users via the EVT_FAST automated event waveform retrieval system through web and email requests. The EVT_FAST system allows users to request all of the waveforms for a specified NCSN event with a simple one-line request. Users can request event waveform data in one of the following formats:

  • SAC binary
  • SAC ascii
  • AH (XDR)

The NCEDC is committed to distributing all waveform data and corresponding instrument response data in the standard SEED format, and is actively working with the USGS to assemble the required instrument response data for the NCSN waveforms. Until the instrument response meta-data is available, the EVT_FAST system provides a quick and easy way for users to acquire NCSN waveform data.

The EVT_FAST web interface for requesting NCSN event waveform data can be found at: /ncedc/evt_fast_form.html

Documentation on the EVT_FAST request format and email submission can be found at:

The NCEDC is a joint project of the University of California, Berkeley and the USGS. For more information on this data set, please contact