NCEDC News/Blog

PG&E seismic data available at the NCEDC

Categories:   PG&E seismic data (PG)  |  USGS Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN)  |  Earthquake Catalogue  |  Waveform Data  |  UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL)  |  2004 Parkfield Earthquake  |  2003 San Simeon Earthquake  |  Catalogs  |  Earthquake Locations

October 20, 2006 

October 16th, 2006

The NCEDC is pleased to announce the availability of seismic phase and waveform data from the Pacific Gas and Electric seismic network that monitors seismicity in the vicinity of the Diablo Canyon nuclear powerplant. The phase data, which begins in 10/1987, have been merged into the NCSN catalog, and the NCSN locations have been re-computed from the combined phase data set. PG stations can be recognized with their network code of "PG".

The PG&E data improves the accuracy of more than 11,000 earthquakes previously available in the NCSN catalog, the majority of which are aftershocks of the San Simeon and Parkfield earthquakes. It also includes approximately 1000 new hypocenters for these two earthquake sequences. As of 2006/09/05, waveforms from all PG&E stations in the Diablo Canyon region are being imported by the NCSN and SCSN in real-time and reflected in the hypocenters and waveform data archived at the NCEDC and SCEDC.

The California Integrated Seismic Network greatly appreciates the cooperation of PG&E in monitoring earthquakes in California and their willingess to make this data set available to the public.

The NCEDC is a joint project of the University of California, Berkeley and the USGS, with facilities located at the University of California, Berkeley. Please send us email at or fill out our comments form if you have questions or comments about these changes.