NCEDC News/Blog

MOBB preliminary OBS data available at the NCEDC

Categories:   Timing Errors  |  Berkeley Digital Seismic Network (BDSN, BK)  |  USGS Northern California Seismic Network (NCSN)  |  Broadband Instruments  |  Data Availability  |  Waveform Data  |  UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL)  |  Data Holdings

October 30, 2006 

The NCEDC is pleased to announce the availability of preliminary seismic, current meter, pressure timeseries from the MOBB ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) system deployed in Monterey Bay, California. The MOBB site is a joint project of the UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL)and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI).

The preliminary data are available in daily MiniSEED format, and can be retrieve by either HTTP or FTP protocols from the following directories:

The preliminary data has NOT had time corrections applied to the data. Time corrected data will be incorporated into the the NCEDC archive as site MOBB in the BK network.

The NCEDC is a joint project of the University of California, Berkeley and the USGS, with facilities located at the University of California, Berkeley. Please send us email at or fill out our comments form if you have questions or comments about these changes.